CHAPTER SIX - Not What was Planned..

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       Toya hung his head and shut his eyes tight, preparing himself for the dreaded worst of rejection. But, instead, he felt Akito's soft hand lift his chin up. Opening his eyes, he found his face close to Akito's. The two boys stood there for a couple moments, just marvelling in each other's eyes. Until, Akito leaned in and filled the gap between them, pressing his soft lips gently onto Toya's.


       A squeak escaped Toya, his eyes looking like they were about to pop out. His whole body burned a flaming red, while his heartbeat seemed to go as fast as the speed of light. Finally, Toya's eyes fluttered to a close and he returned the kiss eagerly. Akito was taken aback from the intensity Toya applied, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. He wrapped his arms around the other male, while Toya put his hand on the back of Akito's head.

       A few moments later, the two boys separated, panting slightly. Both were blushing intensely, their eyes shimmering bright. "A-Akito.." Toya whispered breathlessly, still computing the action Akito was bold enough to do. "Toya, I.. I like you too." The ginger replied, grinning. Holding the other close, the Prince placed his chin atop of Akito's head, then planted a kiss on it. "I.. can't explain what I'm feeling right now but it feels amazing.." Akito chuckled. Giggling, Toya let go and took a step back. "W-well uh.. should we head back?" The bicolored haired male inquired. "Yeah, sur-" Akito was cut off by the screams of people.

       The two boys whirled around frantically, seeing civilians hollering and running all around the place. Buildings crumbled down, as the ground shook furiously beneath them. "What in the world.." muttered Akito. They both shared one last frantic glance at each other, before they sprinted towards what seemed to be the source of the chaos, following the ear-splitting roars that came from that direction. Toya closed his eyes briefly, muttering a short incantation under his breath. Then, he yanked a sword hilt from his hand, a sharp blade coming out. "WHERE THE DEVIL DID THAT COME FROM?!" Akito hollered, his olive-green eyes glaring at the sword that Toya now possessed.

"Hey, you're good with the bow, right?" The Prince called out.

"Well, I guess! Why?!"

       And with that, Toya uttered another brief incantation, then a unique-looking longbow and a quiver stocked with a fresh 2 dozen arrows appeared in his hands. He tossed them both to Akito, who slung the quiver on his back and called out his thanks. "Wow, this longbow has luxury quality!" Akito exclaimed, awe-struck. The young ruler laughed. "I'm glad you say so!" The two boys continued scurrying towards the deafening roars and screams of people. They sped past broken homes, running townspeople, and large chunks of sandstone. As they ran, Toya eventually made up the decision to put away his sword, in any case it would be immediately brought back. He sheathed it into thin air, and it evaporated.  Eventually, the pair made it to the destruction site. "Oh, good God.." Akito muttered breathlessly, panic arousing in his stomach. There stood a ginormous creature, the rest of its body in the sand. It had razors as teeth, and numerous eyes that could pierce into your soul. It growled, then went head-first back into the sand. "That's a mighty sand worm if i've ever seen one, alright.." Akito exclaimed, his frantic gaze turning to Toya. The Prince furrowed his brow, examining the monster that loomed the village.

       "Akito.. I have a plan. I need you to try and shoot it when it comes back up. It doesn't matter where, just shoot it to distract it. Then, i'll climb one of the buildings, jump, and i'll climb the sand worm. I will take it from there." Toya explained sternly, his face deadpan. 'How the hell is he so calm..?!' Akito asked himself, but nodded at Toya's plan. The ginger took multiple deep breaths, before facing the erupting sand worm that came back up to the surface. Toya had started to run to his desired building, and he just needed to wait for Akito's move. The ginger selected an arrow from his quiver, and slung it onto the string of his bow. He aimed at his target, and brought the string to full draw. Letting go, he held his breath, and waited. Then, surprisingly, his arrow hit home. He released his breath and a smile tugged at his lips, but he knew it wasn't time to celebrate yet.

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