"Now time to clean... FROZEN TUNDRA," I shout and ice covers the entire room. The ice starts to patch up holes in the walls and ceiling, and fixes the floor. As much as the think my Gift is dangerous, it is really useful for cleaning. I send out some black ice to fix the furniture in the room and stabilize the whole building. I allow the ice to serve out of the room to cover and fix the rest of the dorm's inside. For lighting, I use my ice to make chandeliers and make candle flames to give of light. Once the chandelier is lit in the room, it starts to light snow in the room. I'm so claiming this as my bedroom. I walk out of the bedroom to look at the rest of the dorm, now covered in ice, to see the repairs that the ice made. I find a window and look out of it. Huh, it's raining. So glad I fixed the ceiling. No getting rained on today!

As I make my way to the dorm's lounging area, my ears pick up a voice from inside. "GWAH! It's pourin' out there!" There's no way! It sounds like that cat from orientation. I enter the lounge with a pissed off look and clear my throat to get the cat's attention.

"Bwahaha! That look on your face is priceless! Like a bat that got blasted by a water gun," the cat snickered.

"What are you doing here," I questioned. "Didn't you get kicked of campus?"

"As if i wouldn't just sneak back onto campus the second I escaped pryin' eyes. You all got no idea what I'm capable of," the cat smirked. "I ain't givin' up on goin' here just 'cause I got kicked out one measly ol' time. And if you think otherwise, you don't know Grim!"

"Me gustaría que el Señor Crowley te comiera para cenar," I sighed, then got an idea. "SECURITY!! SECURITY!! The cat came back and is begging to be tomorrow's dinner!"

"Hey! No! Bad human! BAD HUMAN," Grim shrieked. "Ain't you gonna ask what I'm doin' here? That's what you people do, right? Talk about feelings and stuff?"

"Huh? You people?! Talk it out?! Are you kidding me right now," I scream, pacing the room.

"Just what kinda human are ya, anyway? It wouldn't kill ya to listen to me! Right," Grim sobbed. I turned to look at him and he was in a corner growing mushrooms. Can cats even do that?

I sighed and took a deep breath, "fine... Why are you so determined to go to this school? Not like I care to begin with."

"Isn't it obvious," Grim perked up. "I was born to do this! I'm a magical prodigy who's got the makin's to become one of the greatest mages who ever lived!"

"I'm sorry I ever asked," I groaned. "I rather not hear your sob story or any story about yourself. For someone so small, you sure are annoying."

"Hey, that's a mean thing to say," Grim cried.

"No one said I was nice," I replied. I turn to leave the room.

"At least wait till I'm done," Grim wailed.

"Fine," I huffed and moved to sit down on the couch. I waved my hand at Grim. "Go on, finish what you were going on about."

"So I've been waitin' and waitin' for the black carriage to come for me," Grim continued. "And yet... Hrmph! That Dark Mirror's got no eye for talent! That's why I took the initiative and came here myself."

"Oh, so you're done," I ask and get up. "Imma leave now, I believe you can see yourself out."

"Huh?! No!! You humans don't understand what a mistake you're makin'! Not lettin' me in is a great loss to the world!" Why won't this cat shut up? Is this how Antonio feels when he's constantly surrounded by animals? I know some of them are nice, but others could be just like this cat. "Also, I ain't leavin', it's pourin' out there."

A Fox Surrounded in Darkness (Twisted Wonderland x Encanto nb!reader)Where stories live. Discover now