"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?"

"Sometimes, yeah."

"Then you probably have crabs.'

"That's so NOT funny."

"Aren't you guys coming in?" Richie asked as he
turned back to Stanley and Eddie, who had yet to
step foot into the sewer. Violet and Bill turned to each
other, Bill now seeing the state his sister was in. He
grabbed a hold of her hand, trying to calm her down
just a bit.

"Uh-uh that's gray water." Eddie said as he pointed
to the water, Richie frowning at him with a scolding

"What the hell is gray water?"


Arriving at the sewers, Violet and Stanley let go of
each others hands as they both put their bikes on
the stand, Violet following Bill to the front of the big
open sewer.

"I don't know. I guess." She could still hear Stanley
tell Eddie something about poison ivy as she and Bill
were standing in front of the sewer.

"That's poison ivy. And that's poison ivy. And that's
poison ivy." Stanley pointed at all different kind of
plants, Eddie was now fully freaking out about it,
while Violet and Bill already made their way fully into
the sewers, Richie following closely behind.

"It's basically piss and shit. So I'm just telling you"
He threw his hands up in defense, failing to notice
Richie grabbing an old branch. "You guys are
splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee."

"Are, are you serious?" He asked as he finally saw
the fallen branch in Richie's hands, he sniffed it and
shook his head at him, speaking in an Spanish

"Doesn't smell like caca to me, Senor."

"O-0-okay I can smell it from here."

"It's probably just your breath wafting back into your
face." Richie chuckled at himself as Eddie gagged
before scoffing at Richie.

"Have you ever heard of a staph infection?"

"'I'll show you a "staff" infection." Richie threw a
piece of old clothing, soaked in the so called 'grey
water' towards Eddie, who screamed loudly, jumping
backwards as Stanley tucked his shirt back into his

"That's so unsanitary. These.. you guys are like
swimming in a toilet bowl right now. Have you ever
heard of listeria?" Violet stared at something on the
ground, softly walking towards it and grabbing it
from the ground. A shoe, thank god that it wasn't
one of Georgie's galoshes.

"Are you retarded?"

"You're the reason we're in this situation right now"

"Guys!" Bill turned to the other boys, Violet softly
turning around, her flashlight on the shoe as she
stared at Stanley with a frightened look.

"Shit. Don't tell me that's. ." He spoke up before
Violet frantically shook her head at him, her breathing
way too fast at the moment. She was starting to
become dizzy and dropped the shoe in the water.
The water splashed her and Bill over as she started
to lean against the sewer wall.

Stanley, now concerned over his girlfriend, didn't
hesitate and jumped into the sewer, helping her
stand up. She was known for having panic attacks
and Stanley knew how to calm her down most of the

"No." Bill spoke up as he grabbed the shoe again.
"Georgie was wearing galoshes."

"Whose sneaker is it?" Eddie called out, looking at
the four of them standing in the sewer, Stanley still
holding Violet up straight, while she was working on
getting her breathing normal again.

"It's Betty Ripsoms." Richie said as he looked inside
the shoe, Bill handing it to him to help Stanley with
Violet. She wasn't as dizzy anymore, but she didn't
trust herself to keep herself standing up. And she
really didn't want to fall into this water.

"Shit! Shit, oh god, oh fuck. I don't like this."

"What if she's still here?"' Stanley looked deeper
into the sewer, before turning his attention to Violet

"Eddie, come on!" Richie called as the four of them
continued to walk into the sewers. Stanley didn't
even realize he had started walking until he saw that
Eddie was way further now.

"My mom will have an aneurysm if she finds out we
were playing down here. I'm serious."

"Bill?" Eddie called out before turning to Stanley.

"'If I were Betty Ripsom, I would want us to find me.
Georgie too." Bill spoke up, turning back to his
friend who was the only one left standing not in the

"What if I don't want to find them? I mean, no
offense, Bill, but I do not want to end up like --I
don't want to go missing either."

"He has a point." Stanley noted softly, Violet pushing
herself out of his arms and glaring at him, Bill quickly
taking over and holding her up.

"You too?" She asked, her breath caught in her
throat, scared to even ask it.

"It's summer. We're supposed to be having fun.
This isn't fun. This is scary and disgusting."

All heads turned to a loud splash, Richie and Stanley
rushing out of the sewer, while Bill and Violet were a
bit slower to get out.

"Holy shit, what happened to you?" The five of them
stared at the new kid, Ben Hanscom, laying in the
water. Dirty and blood falling out of his stomach. He
turned his head to them as Stanley and Eddie
rushed into the water, helping him out of it.

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