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3rd person POV

To say that Y/n was pissed was an understatement. She wanted to murder Harry. He's said many stupid things in the past but this took the cake, especially since he knows what happened to her.

Her current location was her room. She went in there after the comment Harry made. 

Sitting at her desk and blasting "Look What You Made Me Do" by Taylor Swift, made her calm down. She loved listening to relatable music, especially in situations like this.

Y/n wanted to cry, she couldn't believe all of this, why did he have to start shit now? she's leaving in the morning and he had to ruin her mood. He even had the audacity not to apologize. That's what made her mad the most.

She was certain that Tom had heard what happened by now because her phone kept blowing up with messages from him asking if she was okay.

Timothée had texted her too, he wanted to make her feel better, he saw how she reacted to the message in the comments. He just didn't know what to do.

Hearing her phone ring she saw the phone light up with the name "Tommy♡" on it. 

She was confused at first as to why he was calling when he was in the same house but then realized that she had locked the door and was blasting music so no sound was heard.

Ignoring the call, she kept listening to music, and she was crying a bit, her emotions were all over the place, and she hated it.

She decided that going on her phone and just scrolling Instagram was better than weeping around. Her friends had posted and she went to comment on some and then kept scrolling.

Deciding to post on her finsta she took some pics, uploaded one that she thought looked cute, and then she laid down to rest.


♡ Liked by urfavspidey, StatisticTim, NotMJ, Guyinthechair and 150,125 others

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♡ Liked by urfavspidey, StatisticTim, NotMJ, Guyinthechair and 150,125 others

urmumsfav: We love crying to Taytay Swift 🫶


*Comments limited*

NotMJ: omg baby:(

urfavspidey: I'm omw back with chocolate and monsters<3

StatisticTim: Answer ur phone love

imnotwanda: hey cutie, dont cry:(

HarrietO: Im sorry gloomy, pls forgive me

StatisticTim replied to HarrietO: Leave her alone. I think u did enough.

HarrietO replied to StatisticTim: Don't get involved in stuff that does not concern you.

StatisticTim replied to HarrietO: When it comes to N/n it's my concern. Maybe stop being a dick to ur friends and actually treat them right.

HarrietO replied to StatisticTim: I already know I fucked up. No need to rub it in my face mate.

StatisticTim replied to HarrietO: I'm not your "mate", not after what u did to her.

NotMJ: Guys I don't think this is the place to fight.

urfavspidey: Z is right.


Hearing her phone go off she ignored it and tried to listen to the music in the background.

The keyword was tried, but it kept going off and she decided to check to see that Harry and Timothée were fighting in her comments. 

She was thankful for Zen and Tom, who interrupted them and made her smile a bit. She saw that Tom said he was on his way back, but she hadn't realized that he left in the first place, which made her feel bad.

She decided to leave her room for a few minutes, just to get water and then go back. 

Though she didn't realize that Harry was still there.

And when she saw him, she froze and just stared at him.

Harry hearing sounds turned around and saw her standing there just staring at him.

He was going to start speaking when she raised her hand in a manner that said "Don't".

Moving past him, she went to get a cup and filled it with water. She decided to return to her room but before she could go in, she heard him speak.

"I'm sorry. I know you don't want to hear it, but I truly am. I was stupid for saying what I said, and I regret it. I never intended to make you cry. Please forgive me Gloomy." he was practically begging her to forgive him. 

Sighing Y/n turned around and looked at him, he looked sincere but she couldn't forgive him that easily.

Thinking about what to say she finally got the words out.

"what you said hurt me. I didn't expect you of all people, MY best friend, would say something like that. even as a joke" 

The hurtful look in her eyes made his heart ache, he didn't think that she would take it this badly and truly regrets opening his mouth.

She looked him straight in the eyes and her voice broke "You knew about the past stuff, you know what it did to me. You were the one holding me when I couldn't hold myself up."

Tears started to gather in his eyes "I know, and I'm truly sorry N/n. I fucked up big time. I know I did. And if I could go back in time I would take it back in a heartbeat."

"You can't go back in time though, can you?" stated Y/n.

Hearing the door unlock both turned to see Tom walking in with a bag and a confused look on his face.

"Uhm did I come back at a bad time?" he said while scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

Y/n shook her head and left for her room again thinking about Harry's apology.

Harry looked as she walked away, a frown visible on his face. He turned to look at Tom who had a look of pity clear on his face.

"give her some time, she just needs to think about everything" Tom said as he walked to her room with the stuff he bought her and closed the door after him, leaving Harry alone.


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