Chapter 69 (Noice): Sabaody Archipelago

Start from the beginning

"See." Sanji looked back towards Camie, the mermaid replied with a sigh of relief.

"So, Hachi." Nami spoke up making (Y/N) turn back to the ginger. "What's our objective on this island anyways? Didn't you say something before about getting the ship coated here?"

Hachi replied. "We'll meet up with one of the island's coating specialist and have him slap a coat of the resin on your ship. That's all it takes. After that, your ship will be fully equipped for underwater travel." Franky questioned his claim, but Hachi quickly answered. "Yep. The process works wonders. And it's the only way I know of that humans can reach Fish-Man Island. But you don't want an amateur to do it. If it's not done right, the water pressure will crush the ship and everyone on it! I got one specialist that I really trust though. So you'll be in good hands!"

"Thank you for your help. You really are a good man." Brook smiled at the fishman. "Wait! Good octopus. Yohohohoho!"

"But first." Hachi spoke with seriousness in his voice. "In exchange for my help, promise me one thing."

"Sure. What is it?" The Straw Hat captain spoke up for his crew.

"Once we cross the bridge into town, there's a chance we might run into the World Nobles." Hachi's words made (Y/N) freeze in place.

"Okay. Who?" Chopper questioned, Luffy added in. "Okay, who are they?"

"The World Nobles. They're from the holy land of Mary Geoise." Robin looked towards the frozen (h/c) haired woman.

Everyone shared a short moment of silence before Luffy spoke up. "Cool. So what's the big deal?"

Hachi bit his bottom lip in frustration before speaking. "This is difficult to ask, but no matter what happens in the town, you must promise that you'll do nothing to defy the World Nobles."

(Y/N) glared up at Hachi, trying her best not to let her frustration out. Everyone stood in deafening silence once more before Nami spoke up. "No matter what happens?" Sanji adding in. "Just ignore it?"

"Exactly. Even if they kill someone in front of you. Just look the other way." Hachi's words man chills run down (Y/N)'s body. "Try to pretend like nothing happened. I'll say it one more time. No matter what, you act like you didn't see a thing!"

(Y/N) placed down Chopper, not saying a word as she walked back to the Sunny. Her crew mates didn't say anything back to her, but Camie called out for her. "(Y/N)?"

"I'll go talk to her. I'm heading back to the Sunny as is." Sanji spoke up and followed after the woman.

(Y/N) flew back on board the Sunny, holding back tears from her eyes. Sanji hopped back on board as she walked into the Aquarium Bar. (Y/N) sat down on the couch, hugging her legs against her chest. The door to the bar opened and she already knew who it was. "I'll be fine. I just need a moment to myself."

Sanji walked up, handing her a cig. "You definitely don't look it." (Y/N) took the cig, allowing Sanji to lite it.

The two sat in a peaceful silence before (Y/N) finally spoke. "Don't do anything? What kind of crap is that? The only reason I didn't say anything was because Hachi's helping us out tremendously. But to find out the World Nobles can just kill people on a whim, no questions asked and have no one stand up to them? It makes me despise the stupid title even more."

Sanji didn't say anything back for a few seconds, allowing her to vent more if she needed. After a few moments of silence, he finally replied. "I can't imagine what you're going through. Especially to have the World Government hounding you for something like that, but I can tell you this..." (Y/N) finally looked at her cook with curiosity for his reply. "Just because you carry the same title, doesn't mean you're one of them. Myself, along with everyone else, knows that. If any of them were to mess with you, I'm sure Luffy and the others will dishonor Hachi's terms and fight by your side."

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