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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over Quantum Academy. The anticipation among the students reached its peak as they gathered in the central courtyard, a vast expanse where a mystical sorting arrow had materialized.

The arrow, radiant with an otherworldly glow, hovered above a circular platform adorned with the symbols of different mythologies. As the students stood in a hushed silence, the arrow whirred to life, its ethereal hum resonating through the air.

With a burst of energy, the arrow split into multiple beams, each heading towards a specific symbol. The symbols represented the mythologies of different countries, a testament to the diverse origins of the students. From the grandeur of Mount Olympus to the frost-kissed realms of Asgard, the sorting arrow aligned each student with a house inspired by their country's mythology.

A collective gasp swept through the crowd as students found themselves drawn towards different symbols. The house assignments were a blend of destiny and heritage, a fusion that echoed the unity within diversity.

The first beam of light targeted the symbol of Zeus—the mighty ruler of Mount Olympus. Students from Greece, proud inheritors of ancient mythos, found themselves directed to Zeus House. The air crackled with the energy of thunderstorms, echoing the power of the legendary deity.

The sorting arrow, undeterred, aimed at the symbol of Thor—the Norse god of thunder and protector of Asgard. Students hailing from the cold landscapes of Norway gathered beneath the banner of Thor House, their presence resonating with the strength of Mjölnir.

Next in line was the Lotus—the symbol of divine power from India. The arrow gracefully pointed towards students, who, with a rich tapestry of culture and history, were destined for the embrace of Vishnu House.

A surge of energy surged towards the symbol of the Dragon—the embodiment of strength in Chinese mythology. Students from the vast landscapes of China congregated, ready to explore the mysteries of the Dragon House, where the ancient met the extraordinary.

The arrow's light then danced towards the symbol of Anubis—the Egyptian deity presiding over the afterlife. A group of students, carriers of the mystique of the Nile, found themselves welcomed into Anubis House, where the sands of time whispered secrets.

Lastly, the arrow aimed at the symbol of the Kangaroo—an emblem of resilience from the land Down Under. Students from Australia, heirs to the vast expanses of the Outback, gathered beneath the banner of Kangaroo House, a testament to the enduring spirit of their homeland.

As the sorting arrow completed its dance, the courtyard erupted in cheers and applause. The students, now sorted into their respective houses, embraced the opportunity to forge bonds with peers from diverse backgrounds. Quantum Academy, in its infinite wisdom, had woven a tapestry of unity, where the threads of mythology bound students together in a shared journey of discovery. The Houses of Legends stood as testament to the extraordinary tapestry that Quantum Academy was weaving—one that transcended borders and spanned the realms of human potential.

With the sorting complete, the students of Quantum Academy ventured towards their respective houses, their hearts echoing with a blend of excitement and curiosity. The pathways leading to Zeus House, Thor House, Vishnu House, Dragon House, Anubis House, and Kangaroo House pulsed with an otherworldly energy.

In Zeus House, the students from Greece were greeted by an opulent hall adorned with celestial motifs. The echoes of thunderstorms resonated within its walls, and a sense of camaraderie filled the air. As the students settled in, they couldn't help but feel a connection to the mighty deities of their homeland.

Thor House, with its majestic architecture reminiscent of the grandeur of Asgard, welcomed the Norse descendants from Norway. The halls hummed with the resonance of thunder, and the students marveled at the strength that surrounded them. In the heart of Thor House, they felt the legacy of ancient warriors and the promise of untapped potential.

Vishnu House, inspired by the divine power of Indian mythology, embraced the students with an aura of serenity. The air was infused with the fragrances of exotic spices, and the walls echoed with tales of gods and goddesses. The students, representing the vibrant tapestry of India, found solace in the fusion of tradition and the extraordinary.

Dragon House, a sanctuary inspired by the might of Chinese mythology, beckoned students with its enigmatic aura. The halls resonated with the wisdom of ancient sages, and the air carried the whispers of mythical creatures. As the students settled in, they couldn't help but feel the dragon's gaze guiding them towards unexplored horizons.

Anubis House, a haven reflecting the mysteries of Egypt, unfolded its corridors to students bearing the legacy of the Nile. The hieroglyphics on the walls seemed to come alive, telling tales of pharaohs and divine rituals. The students, amidst the ancient symbols, sensed a connection to a rich tapestry of history and magic.

Kangaroo House, inspired by the resilience of Australia, embraced students with its vast openness and vibrant energy. The walls echoed with the sounds of the Outback, and the students felt a kinship with the boundless spirit of their homeland. Kangaroo House became a meeting ground for those who carried the sunburnt landscapes within their hearts.

As the students settled into their new homes, they realized that Quantum Academy had not only gifted them extraordinary powers but also a sense of belonging to a global family. The Houses of Legends, each a unique chapter in the grand story of Quantum Academy, now stood as beacons of unity, diversity, and the boundless potential within each student.

And so, the first night in the Houses of Legends unfolded, marking the beginning of a journey where mythologies converged, and extraordinary individuals from different corners of the world found common ground within the hallowed halls of Quantum Academy.

QUANTUM ACADEMYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora