A7 C204: Chase and Blockade

Start from the beginning

These masons were responsible for different areas, and they each had different tools. When they heard that Jiang Weimian wanted to spend a hundred yuan to borrow a wrench, one person stood up immediately and began to search for his tool kit.

"I have it, I have it. I'll get you the wrench!"

This person had no beard.

Jiang Weimian looked at the wrench handed to him, paused his motion of pretending to give money, and frowned without a trace. Just at this moment, someone suddenly patted his shoulder, and a familiar voice sounded in his ear, "Teacher Jiang, two of my bicycle wheels are broken. Can you help me borrow another wrench?"

Jiang Weimian turned around and saw Shen Zuixing. Suddenly, everything became clear. He intentionally followed Shen Zuixing's words, "But I don't know if they have any more."

As he finished speaking, he looked at the mason without a beard and said, "Master, do you have any more wrenches? I'll offer another hundred yuan."

The mason scratched his head when he heard this and looked at the man crouching in the corner, "Hey, Heizhu, I remember you're in charge of installing iron doors. Do you have any wrenches over there?"

Heizhu, who was smoking in the corner, paused slightly when he heard this, then shook his head, "I don't have any. You remembered it wrong.”

The mason said, "How is that possible? You're a blacksmith; how could you not have a wrench? A hundred bucks, man, what are you waiting for!"

Jiang Weimian noticed a shabby cloth bag near Heizhu's foot, smiled, and intentionally approached, "Master, if you think carefully, with so many tools in your bag, how could there not be a wrench?"

As he spoke, he began to rummage through Heizhu's tool bag. Seeing this, Heizhu's face changed slightly, and he yanked the bag over, saying, "What are you doing, searching through my bag! Let go!"

Jiang Weimian quickly grabbed the bag, rapidly flipping through it, saying, "Master, I see a wrench in here. Can you lend it to me? I'll give you two hundred bucks."

Shen Zuixing also rushed forward to grab the bag, chiming in, "Yes, Master, two of my bicycle wheels are broken, and I urgently need to fix them. Can you lend me one?"

They were searching through a pile of hammers, and finally, they found a hefty wrench. Although it had been rinsed on the outside, Jiang Weimian keenly noticed some dark traces of blood in the crevices and a long strand of woman's hair—

The murderer was Heizhu!

Jiang Weimian's pupils contracted, ready to subdue him. However, as if sensing something, Heizhu seemed to realize it. He abruptly pulled the bag away and turned to run, rushing towards the school gate like a rabbit. Jiang Weimian and Shen Zuixing hurriedly pushed aside the students on the playground, shouting to Qian Duoduo and He Man nearby, "Chase after him! He's the murderer!"

He Man and Qian Duoduo immediately dashed after the escaping culprit, chasing him out of the school gate. Jiang Weimian glanced in the direction Heizhu had fled and, together with Shen Zuixing, took a shortcut, climbing over the wall. The students on the playground couldn't comprehend why these people were chasing and shouting again. They stopped their activities and watched them leave, exchanging puzzled glances.

When Jiang Weimian jumped over the school wall, he happened to see Heizhu's gray work overalls flash across the street from the opposite side. He immediately gave chase. Before Yunhai High School was demolished, the nearby streets were dense and intricate. Jiang Weimian unknowingly followed Heizhu into narrow and winding alleys. Shen Zuixing followed closely behind, his voice heavy, "Jiang Weimian, hurry out. There are too many alleys here; it's easy to be ambushed. Let's find another way to catch him."

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