Chapter 135: Phone Call's

Start from the beginning

"Wait;wait, what did you think of the song?" Kyoka followed close behind the man who stopped in his tracks.

"Oh yeah." Keigo chuckled as his own bad memory. "I actually really liked it. I can send that to my wife to get it mixed for you if you'd like."

Kyoka raised a brow. "You have a wife?! How old are you?"

"22, don't clown on me I know I'm still young to have a wife but; hey, I'm happy."

Kyoka shrugged. "Fair enough."

Keigo chuckled as he opened the door to the front portion of the shop. "Yo! Mr.Jiro."

"Hey kid. Was it something I wouldn't wanna hear?" The man asked referring to kyoka's song.

Keigo chuckled as he looked around the shop. "Nothing you'd condemn but I guess I can understand why it's embarrassing for her." The man spotted some electric guitars and his eyes lit up. "Ooh show me around!"

Before the man could continue Keigo's phone went off again. "Damnit who the hell!" He ripped his phone out of his pocket.

"Oh! Hey Kyoka it's your buddy Deku."

Kyoka didn't reply, she didn't feel the need to.

"Yo! Deku what's up."

Izuku sat in his car, the call was connected to his Bluetooth. "What's up man, I just saw Kota a little while ago. I assume you're in Japan as well?"

"Yeah man! You should pull up where I am."

Izuku looked in his rear view mirror as he pulled out of his driveway. "Which is? Also you're on speaker in the car and Ochako is here."

"Ohhh, hi Ochako."

"Hi!" The girl giggled before Keigo continued. "Anyways I'm at Jiro's shop. You know where that is?"

"You mean Kyoka's parents shop?!" Ochako said before izuku could reply. "Yeah! Are you guys friends?"

"Mhm! Let me talk to her!"

Keigo chuckled as he looked back at Kyoka who raised a brow at him. "What?"

"Ochako wants to talk, here." He held out his phone to the girl who hesitantly took it. "Hello?"


"Hi Ochako, what's up?"

"I just wanted to say hi! I didn't think that you knew Keigo. Small world right?" She giggled and Kyoka chuckled. "I guess, it's not really me who knows him it's more my dad. Apparently he came around the shop when I was younger. I don't really remember it though."

"Still cool though." Izuku interjected making Kyoka confused. "Midoriya? How can you hear me?"

"Oh Keigo didn't tell you, you're on my cars speaker. We're on the way to the shop now." The boy chuckled as he pulled onto a Main Street.

"Oh okay, well I guess I'll see you guys soon then."

"Mhm!" The two hummed in unison.

Kyoka chuckled. "Alright then, I'll give you back to Keigo now." The girl told the two. "Alright see you soon! Love ya' Kyoka!" Ochako said making Kyoka chuckle a bit. "See you soon." She said before the phone could be heard moving away from her ear.

"Damn she didn't even say it back!"

Izuku chuckled while holding his hand up to his forehead making an L with his index finger and thumb,Ochako scowled. "Hey! You guys on your way right?" Keigo was heard putting the phone to his ear.

"Yup! Give us like 10 minutes alright?"

"Yeah alright, see you guys."

"Alright see you!"

Izuku hung up, they were at a red light and izuku looked over to Ochako who was bobbing her head back and forth. "You okay?" He chuckled and the girl looked over to him with a smile. "Yeah, just excited to see Keigo. I wanna thank him in person again and stuff. Plus maybe you'll randomly make a new song or something!"

Izuku snorted as the light turned green, he started to drive again and spoke. "You know I can't just do that consistently right? After all I've only made like 1 or 2 songs since then. Both unfinished."

Ochako shrugged. "It would be cool though, plus whenever you make songs they remind me how much I mean to you. Which is always nice."

Izuku put one of his hands over the center console and held onto one of Ochako's. "I don't think you need a song written for you to know how much I love you. I mean come on."

Ochako giggled while squeezing onto his hand. "Yeah I know, in your own words. I'm the light;right?" She chuckled at herself and Izuku rolled his eyes. "That wasn't even my song. That was Tamaki's song."

"Yeah;yeah, I know. Still, you sung it in front of the school for me."

"And compared to how it was in front of thousands of people it was pretty damn easy."

Ochako laughed as izuku turned onto the road of Jiro's shop.

"I couldn't imagine. Just standing on that stage had me frozen! If you weren't singing I would've lost my cool!" Ochako continued to laugh as they pulled into the parking lot of the shop. "Yeah, trust me it was stressful." Izuku put the car in park and turned off the ignition.

"Alright, you ready?"

Ochako nodded eagerly while unbuckling her seatbelt. "Yeah;yeah! Let's go!"

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