Inside the therapy box(part 2)

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Hope pov

i woke up and i tried to get up but someone was on top of me. my heart skipped a beat when i realised that the person was Josie and were both naked. i tried to get her off of me, but she snuggled into my boobs. i couldent help but moan quietly.  "Josie! Josie wake up!" i whisper yelled. "Josie!" i whisper yelled again. Josies eyes stirred open. "Why is it so bright in here" Josie said and closed her eyes again.  i bit my lip. "Josie we need to get up" i said. "Noooo!! i dont want tooo!" Josie said and tightend her grip on me. "Josie, were naked." i said. she almost jumped off of me and ran to the bathroom. "LIZZIE!" Josie screamed and fell on her butt when she opened the door. Lizzie had a matress on the bathroom floor and she had a little blanket over her. "Im so sorry, i tried to tell you that im here but Mikaelson here tried to murder me so i ran to the bathroom and when you two were busy, i took a matress and a blanket to the bathroom"  Lizzie explained. "Lizzie... busy doing what exatly?" Josie asked. "am i hallucinating or did your eyes flash yellow for a second?" Lizzie asked.  "Lizzie im not a werewolf. you know that" Josie said. "Are  you sure? bc to me this looks like a typical werewolf soulmate situation" I said and started to put on my clothes. "MIKAELSON! SPARE MY EYES FROM THIS TRAGIC DISPLAY! I'd rather gaze upon a painting by a blindfolded toddler!" Lizzie yelled from the bathroom after seeing me naked. "What you mean this?" I said showing my body "My body is a perfection you know." "You wish. your ego on the other hand is almost as big as that forehead of yours" Lizzie claimed and flipped her hair. "Wow, Lizzie, didn't know you were moonlighting as a comedian. Your insults need some serious upgrades if you're aiming for a laugh." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Lizzie! stop insulting Hope! and Hope, Stop insulting Lizzie!" Josie said and looked at me but her gaze was a little too low. "Lizzie? could we get a little privacy here. i need to talk to Josie" I asked. "Fine, but DO NOT FUCK MY SISTER AGAIN!" Lizzie yelled and left the room. 

the room fell into an uncomfortable silence so i desited to break it. "Josie we need to talk about what happened." i said and looked into her eyes. "Hope what did exatly hapen? bc i cant  remeber shit about what happened last night. i only woke up ontop of you" Josie said and standed up. "So... nothing happened then? were all good? were not going to be... like weird when were hanging out?" I asked kinda scared of Josies answer. "I dont even remeber so it never happened. no weird feelings at all Hope. were ok!" Josie said happily and hugged me. i smiled. when we pulled away from the hug Josie left the room.

Josie pov

i found myself wandering the halls, zoning out.  i walked into someone. He pushes me and i fell on my back. "What the fuck?" i ask and look up. its a boy i dont reconise. "Watch where your going bitch!" The boy said.  Someone came running behind me. Hope jumped over me and attacked the boy. "HOPE!" i yelled while getting up. She turned around, her eyes were yellow  and her fangs were showing. she came to me, grabbed my arm and started pulling me somewhere. "Go on! Let your little puppy take you away!" The boy laughed behind me. Something in me clicked. I was so angry. I stopped, stopping Hope too. Hopes eyes widened but i dont know why. i turn around, walking over to the boy and punched him in the face. "Never! And i mean NEVER! call Hope a puppy again!" I Yelled at him. "What you gonna do about it little wolfy? You gonna bite my head off?" He asked and showed his fangs. Hope stepped infront of me and showed her fangs and wolf eyes.  the boy laughed again. Hope growled. My eyes felt weird but i thought nothing of it. "Yes, yes im gonna bite your head off!" Hope growled. "I was talking to the other wolfy" He said and looked at me. "Im not a werewolf" i said, Hope grabbed my chin and made me to look at her. "Baby your eyes are yellow" Hope said and i got butterflies. "B-baby?" i stuttered and blush started to creep on my cheeks. Hope just stared in my eyes as she didint hear me. The boy tried to sneak away but i looked straith at him. "Leaving so soon?" i asked and laughed. The boy started running towards me but Hope got in his way and growled. "If you look at her, if you say her name AND IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT HER! Im gonna rip out your eyes, shove them in your throath so you can see  how i go ripper and rip it out" Hope Threatened and smiled at the boy while pinning him down on the floor. Hope got up and kicked the boy. I picked her up bridal style and carried her out of there. 

Hope POV

Josie brought us to my room. Her eyes were still yellow. "Are you sure your not a werewolf, love?" I asked Josie who was in her own world. "Earth to Josie." i said and waved my hand infront of her. She snapped out of it and jumped a little.  She put me down "Im sorry.  i was zoning out" She said and looked like she could rip out someones head. "Are you ok?" I asked. "i feel like im about to explode" Josie said and below her eyes started forming veins. Just like with a vampire. She collapsed on the ground. "Hope please help" Josie whimpered in pain. "What can i do?" i asked in panic. "It hurts. like im about to die" Josie breathed out and tears streamed down her cheeks. "Josie! ok were gonna be ok. It will all be gone soon" i said with a pathetic attempt to sound calm.

Ok Im so sorry this took like... wayy too fucking long.  my laptop got stolen and i needed to buy a new one.  im sorry and i will update more often!

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