Ep. 1

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HuoHuo and Y/n
"Exorcist Extraordinaires!"

"Episode 1."

"The Spinning Starskiff."

It was a slow day in the Ten-Lords Commission,  especially since HuoHuo and Y/n had to deal with the weather getting hotter and hotter as the day went on.

"Ugh,  I wish I had one of Tingyun's fans right about now."  The exasperated Y/n groaned as her hand fanned her face.
She was part Foxian....but lacked the signature ears and tail while having great vision, hearing, and smell.    "You could say that again."  HuoHuo sighed in response to her ghost hunting buddy.   The door Bursting open startled the two girls,  instantly grabbing their attention as a man in his early 30s keeled over catching his breath.  HuoHuo and Y/n could already see the stress emitting from the man.

"Lady HuoHuo,  Lady Y/n,  the craziest thing just happened to a Starskiff driver.   You must come see!"

The two girls looked at each other in shock,  but nodded and followed the man.   The walk led all the way to a crowd checking on a young woman,  fear and confusion was very evident in her features.   They rushed over and had the crowd make way for them.
"Ok everyone,  please let us through!"  Y/n instructed while HuoHuo checked for injuries.   When the woman was all clear HuoHuo began the process of addressing the victim delicately,   as should be done in a situation like this. 

"What happened miss?"

"L-lady HuoHuo,  my Starskiff... I-it just went vroom, boom, woosh and began spinning out if control!  I tried to steady it b-but it was no use,  I was tossed to the Landing over here!"   Y/n took notes as the woman spoke,  stuttering as she explained what she remembered.
"Thank you miss,  we will take a look at it."
HuoHuo comforted her,  a little nervous as she wondered what could have caused such a strange event to happen.   Y/n stopped writing her notes and smiled,  "Don't you worry,  HuoHuo and I will get to the bottom of this as soon as possible."

That meant HuoHuo and Y/n had a Ghost to find!   Though HuoHuo isn't all too courageous in dealing with ghosts,  she and Y/n both knew what they were doing and knew how to protect each other in case of dangerous situations.     They made sure the woman was well cared for before heading back to their office to get ready,  they had to wait till late at night to begin sadly.

As night drew closer the temperature dropped,  allowing HuoHuo and Y/n to feel more comfortable when working.
All equipment packed and snacks stashed for some energy later,  now they are ready.

They followed the trail of the strange Starskiff,  finding it spinning near the loading docks at Cloudford.
"It managed to travel this far?  How strange."  Y/n nodded in response to HuoHuo's confused words,  squinting at the Starskiff.   "That looks so bizarre,  it's an actual Starskiff spinning like a top."
HuoHuo giggled and nodded.
"If it truly was a ghost,  then maybe we can ask about and find out why it's making it spin."   HuoHuo had a point.   If they could communicate with the ghost then that'll make it easier for them to understand what is going on.

They spent a while trying to draw out the ghost or trying to communicate,  with no success at all.  "HuoHuo,  there may not be a ghost this time.  It could just be the Starskiff itself."    HuoHuo sighed at the realization.
"What do you suggest then Y/n?"
"Hmm.   I'mma try and hop on and figure out the issue,  the Starskiff seems to be slowing down so I have a small window of time."   HuoHuo gasped and covered her mouth.  "Well,  be careful ok?  I don't want to lose my partner."

Y/n gave a thumbes up and jumped for the spinning Starskiff,  landing perfectly and gripping onto the railing for balance.   She didn't have time to dilly dally,  so she checked the controls.  

"Found anything?"  HuoHuo shouted.
"Yeah,  the steering for the autopilot is jammed.  Give me a sec,  aaaand... "
Y/n tinkered with the controls and managed to halt the vessel.
"HuoHuo,  turns out a ghost was here.  It's long gone,  but it did mess with the panel."
"L-let me cleanse the Starskiff then."

They didn't catch the ghost,  but they have some clues now.

"We've got clues now!"

"Yup yup!  This could be a tricky ghost."

"True,  guess we gotta find out then."

"Stay tuned for Episode 2!"

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