0.4 and i'm wondering whatever happened to the girl next door

Start from the beginning

"I'm hoping you can prove it to me." Chris replied, making Addie's head shoot up to look at him in shock. He needed more than an apology, and he was finally getting the point across.

"Wait does that mean you-"

"No," Chris immediately interrupted the girl, making her frown. "I'm not ready to forgive you yet but that doesn't mean that I won't one day." He gave her a small smile before wiping a stray tear off Addie's cheek, before leaving the room quickly, leaving the door open.

"Well, that could've been worse I guess." Addie mumbled to herself, throwing herself back onto her bed, covering her eyes with her arms.

A few minutes passed before a knock sounded on her door frame. Addie lifted herself onto her elbows, to see Nick and Matt standing in the entrance.

"Chris just left so we're gonna go check on him." Nick told her, making her nod. "Did it go well?" He asked, he couldn't help himself, he was nosy when it came to his brothers.

Addie cracked a small grin, "It went okay, he basically said he'll forgive me one day but not right now." She admitted, making Nick smile and squeal.

"Thank fuck, I just want things to go back to normal before you guys come over for dinner." Matt sighed, leaning against the doorframe once Nick walked further into the room.

"What dinner?" Addie immediately questioned, making Matt snicker at her panicked tone.

"Yeah we may have been told to invite you and your parents over for dinner while we were here." Nick added, gesturing for Addie to walk them out. The three of them made it down the stairs, only to run into Addie's mom.

"Mrs. Manson, our parents wanted to invite you guys over for dinner on Sunday." Matt told her, surprising Addie, that was awfully polite for Matt. She bit her tongue, to avoid laughing at how formal he sounded.

Claire gasped, "Oh yes that would be lovely! What time should we come over?" She gushed excitedly.

Nick and Matt glanced at each other, clearly they both forgot what time their mom had told them. "We'll text Addie with the time." Nick sheepishly replied, making Claire smile.

"Still the forgetful boys, huh?" She joked with a smile on her face, squeezing their arms before making her way towards the living room.

"You still have the same number?" Matt asked her as they paused at the front door. Addie winced, but nodded anyway. Texting each other will probably always feel weird, but this time would be different. They'd be getting a reply no problem.

"Lana is downstairs still, she said something about wanting to hangout with you, I don't know," Nick shrugged, pulling Addie into another hug. "I'm so glad you're back, Ads, I missed you so much." He admitted, making Addie tighten her arms around him.

"Me too Nick, me too." She sighed happily into his embrace. Finally the pair pulled away, and Matt tugged her into his own hug as well.

"Bye loser." He murmured, making Addie chuckle.

"Later nerd." She replied, making Matt reach up and ruffle the girl's hair, then bolted for the door before she could retaliate.

Nick laughed, "Kids, what're you gonna do with them?" He waved bye as he pulled the door shut behind himself. Addie watched him make his way across the lawn, and went downstairs once he made it safely into his house.

"Hey," She greeted Alahna, who was just scrolling on her phone. "Nick said something about you wanting to hang out?" Addie asked her, receiving a nod from her friend.

"If you want of course, I've got nothing better to do." Alahna replied, locking her phone and resting it on her stomach. Addie happily sighed, throwing herself down next to Alahna.

"Am I the only one that's really surprised with how tonight went?" Addied asked, turning her head to face the girl.

"Honestly? If Matt wouldn't have folded I don't know if Nick would have too. I was going to forgive you no matter what, 'cause hanging out with them all the time can get so exhausting I can't even lie." Alahna laughed, making Addie crack a smile.

"It was rough sometimes growing up, I can't even imagine what it's like now." Addie replied, bringing her own phone out. It was only 9:30 pm, and she was starving so she texted her mom and begged her to order pizza. While she was clicking out of the conversation with her mom, she saw she had a text from Nick already.

Nick Sturniolo

Mom said to show up around 6, and to NOT bring anything (she was very firm about that for some reason)


Okay thank youuu

"Who are you texting?" Alahna asked, reaching forward and grabbing the remote to the TV off the coffee table.

Addie locked her phone, watching the TV start to load Netflix. "Nick, he texted me what time myself and my parents are supposed to come over for dinner on Sunday." She replied, making Alahna suck in a breath.

"That'll be fun." She replied sarcastically.

Addie snorted in agreement, "Yeah, I bet my mom will walk in and tell Mary Lou all about what a pain in the ass I've become."

"And your dad will tell Jimmy you're interested in boys now, so he'll tell you everytime you come over to make sure you're putting school before boys." Alahna laughed, settling on Grey's Anatomy.

Addie immediately burst into laughter, "Please tell me he does that to you."

"Oh boy, does he." Alahna replied, rolling her eyes with a smile on her face. The pair got sucked into the TV show, only pausing it to go upstairs and get pizza and drinks. Eventually they moved upstairs to Addie's room, playing music while taking their makeup off and changing into sweatpants and hoodies.

"Oh shit," Alahna suddenly spoke, looking at her phone in surprise. "It's three am, Ads." She showed Addie her phone screen.

"And your parents haven't blown up your phone yet?" She questioned, making Alahna shake her head.

"I told them I was here, they probably assumed I was staying over." She explained, making Addie nod.

"You're more than welcome to stay if you want." Addie told her, probably sounding desperate. She couldn't help it, this was the most fun she had had in a long time. Addie didn't want it to end.

"Yeah, it's cold as fuck outside, I refuse to walk home right now." Alahna accepted her invitation, and before Addie knew it, she had nodded off with the sound of Derek Shepherd and Mark Sloan fighting in the background.

authors note .ᐟ
guys i'm obsessed with writing rn i already have the next chapter written!! i'll post it later on tonight :)

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