"you will not do anything of the sort Grimmjow. Ichigo and his friends do not deem to be a threat to us, therefore you will not make any attempts to finish any unfinished hostilities between the two of you" 
"And what makes you think that I'm going to listen?" 

"I don't suspect you to. But as the new leader of Las Noches, I'm declaring that you should if you intend to not get killed if you're smart I would listen but I'm not going to force you to do anything it's merely just a suggestion" 

"Whatever, I just don't comprehend the fact that Ichigo and I cant finish our unfinished business in a ruthless battle but yet Nelliel here can continue this lengthy back and forth war of hatred with Nnoitra" 

"I've already told you. But I presume that I must explain it again.. he's a foolish man who consists of doing battle like it's the only thing that makes his life worth living. Fighting to the death to me there is no point in the end, all it proves is that you'd let your personal feelings get in the way. Hatred, revenge, shame, and greed are just words that manifest your weaknesses therefore if he desires to prove that he's just as superior as someone who is a higher rank than him then so be it, besides it would be gratifying if he wasn't so blood-hungry and so miserable all the time." 

"Be careful a happy or calm Nniotra is a more malicious one" Harribel eyed him as she took a sip out of her tea "You're the one to talk" he sneered in amusement at Nelliel's snarky comment "hey, I may be a psychopath but at least I can admit it unlike him, I show no shame"

"Why am I not surprised?" Nelliel hastily finished the remains of her breakfast as her eyes darted towards the clock from afar "oh it looks like it's time to start Nniotra's first lesson" just as she was about to head towards the door Grimmjow caught her arm in place "be careful Nelliel, Nnoitra is more vicious when your guard is down.

Don't underestimate him for a single moment unless you ought to relive your past again" she arched her eyebrows in curiosity 'was The Sexta Espada worried for her?' It was no secret that Grimmjow was a cruel vindictive man but he isn't as horrible as he appears to be regardless of his volatile attitude and the way he treated her in her smaller form when he pestered Orihime to heal Ichigo's wounds nevertheless he and Ulquiorra were easily the most tolerable Arrancars in Las Noches. 

"Grimmjow I'm shocked to see you care so much" astounded he loosen his grip as she retrieved her arm from his grasp "psh I don't. I'm merely declaring the obvious" shaking her head in hilarity she raised from her seat patting his shoulder as she made her way to the door

"uh-huh, for future references I'd suggest that you learn to lie to me better. Remember I've dealt with Nnoitra's schemes and lies for over a century you learn to pick up these sorts of things besides from the amount of time I've known you you've been capable of being a terrible liar and still to this day that statement remains true" 

"oh you little-" before he could manage to cuss her out Nel sonideoed away. Leaving him and Harribel alone together "I swear I'm going to battle against her one day and when that happens she'll realize what a mistake she's made for considering me as an afterthought. Perhaps if Nnoitra can't get the job done then maybe I will" 

"Oh don't be foolish Grimmjow. You attend to prove that you and Nnoitra are nothing alike yet this alone has revealed nothing of the sort." he gritted his teeth in anguish at her assumption "and what exactly are you implying Harribel?" 

"I'm implying that your claims of being significantly more predominant than him are false. The both of you share the equivalent amount of interest of remaining superior over the Espada's. You both share the same amount of blood-lust. You both are effortlessly immature as you are always impulsively jumping into battles that will solve nothing. Only to continue your own failures" "what the fuck did you just say? If I were you I'd-" 

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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