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"I'm scared." "I know, but you need to stay calm, okay? Breathe with me."
TWS: Fear, small space, fire drill, not proofread

During a routine fire drill at their high school, Changbin and Felix found themselves inadvertently trapped in a storage room due to a malfunctioning door. The initial excitement of the drill turned to unease as the door refused to budge, leaving them isolated in the dimly lit space filled with forgotten textbooks and dusty equipment.

As the minutes ticked by, the confined room began to amplify the fear in Felix's voice, "I'm scared." Changbin, recognizing the need to ease the tension, took charge. "I know, but you need to stay calm, okay? Breathe with me." The muffled sounds of the ongoing evacuation echoed through the walls as Changbin guided Felix through steady breaths, attempting to create a semblance of normalcy in their unexpected predicament.

The forced proximity in the cramped storage room became a backdrop for an impromptu connection between the two, their shared vulnerability transforming a seemingly mundane day into an unforgettable moment of solidarity amid high school chaos.

As they waited for someone to realize they were missing, Changbin and Felix exchanged tentative smiles, finding solace in each other's company. The faint glow of a flashlight revealed forgotten board games and old decorations, sparking conversation that distracted them from the fear outside the door.

Changbin, known for his resourcefulness, attempted to pry the door open with a discarded ruler, while Felix, despite the situation, couldn't help but laugh at the makeshift engineering efforts. The camaraderie that unfolded in that confined space created a bond neither had anticipated.

Their laughter faded as the reality of the situation set in, but Changbin's reassuring words persisted. "I know it's scary, Felix, but we'll get through this. We just need to stay calm." The shared breaths, the flickering flashlight, and the distant sounds of the evacuation became the backdrop to an unexpected friendship, forged in the crucible of a high school mishap.

Eventually, the door creaked open, and they emerged into the hallway, greeted by concerned teachers and classmates. The ordeal, though frightening, left Changbin and Felix with a unique connection, a shared memory that turned an ordinary day into an extraordinary chapter in their high school journey.

In the aftermath of the ordeal, Changbin and Felix found themselves recounting the story to friends and teachers, turning what could have been a traumatic experience into an amusing tale of resilience and unexpected camaraderie. The incident became a source of inside jokes and laughter, solidifying the bond formed in the confined storage room.

As the weeks passed, Changbin and Felix continued to spend time together, realizing that the forced proximity had uncovered shared interests and a mutual understanding. They navigated the ups and downs of high school life together, their friendship deepening with each passing day.

The memory of that fateful fire drill lingered, not as a reminder of fear, but as a symbol of the unexpected connections that can arise in the most unpredictable circumstances. Changbin and Felix, once brought together by chance, discovered the value of staying calm amid chaos and the strength found in supporting each other through life's unexpected twists and turns.

Their friendship, born from the confined space of a storage room, evolved into a support system that extended beyond the school corridors. Changbin and Felix became each other's confidantes, sharing dreams, fears, and navigating the complexities of adolescence together.

As they approached graduation, Changbin and Felix reminisced about that peculiar day that had sparked their friendship. The laughter and camaraderie in the face of adversity had left an indelible mark on both of them. Changbin, the pragmatic problem-solver, and Felix, the free spirit, complemented each other in ways they hadn't initially realized.

On graduation day, as they stood side by side, diplomas in hand, Changbin turned to Felix with a smile. "Remember that day in the storage room?"

Felix grinned back, "How could I forget? It brought us here."

Their high school journey, marked by an unexpected forced proximity, had transformed into a lasting friendship, proving that sometimes the most enduring connections arise from the unlikeliest of circumstances. As they faced the uncertainties of the future, Changbin and Felix knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they could count on each other to stay calm and breathe through it together.

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