Chapter 1 Episode 4 : The Sarsa's lands

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"Alright my lady, I see you use a sword so please no fire alright?" Zack got out a long sword from his belt while Akret took hers out from the holder on her lower back. "You have my word prince Zachary." She took off any overdue parts of her uniform until she had just a black tank top shirt with brown trousers and fighting gloves of the same black colour as her other protectors.

The fight started. Akret was firstly just defending and dodging trying to study his techniques. Until she found an open spot and he had his own sword pointed to his neck while laying on the ground. He fought way too pridefully and so it ended way too quickly. Akret thought he would last longer, but she guessed she overestimated him. "Well I guess I just- fell for you~" Akret was speechless as the prince pointed finger guns at her, after a bit she smirked and helped him up. Rolling her eyes she made a sarcastic comeback- "And I climbed from hell just to make you fall." The prince was taken back as he was handed his sword and Akret noticed he turned a little red wide eyed looking at her. Akret started walking back to her things realising he's really a fan of hers considering his reaction- "So that's why you're so goddamn hot." He whispered under his breath and she barely heard it. Akret turned, but the prince was walking away already. She smirked once again and continued walking to her things. This will be fun.

"WAIT AKRET! You promised me a display of your so famous powers!" The feline queen yelled thrilled and satisfied with the outcome. Seeing that Zack also sat down to watch. "Very well then. I suppose your majesty means the 'pyro' powers right?" The queen nodded. Akret grabbed something from her bag she was carrying everywhere. She stood in a position taking a deep breath with her arms holding the thing before her. The thing in her hands turned into a staff with fire all over it as she started to display some fighting moves with it swinging it around gracefully catching eyes of many other people. The whole area was fairly dark so it was sure to compliment her powers. She sometimes looked like she was dancing until a big finale was about to come after just a little of those moves. She made one last turn in the air as the fire changed it's color to blue. And then to white, and green and red and all the colours were flashing as the homequeen was cheering loudly on confused, but captivated. She ended the show with the staff in a violet flame making a circle behind her back before she stabbed the ground with it next to her while bowing. Everyone cheered loudly and Wendy just came running to her.
At the seats even the noble lady seemed impressed, but as she looked to see Zack absolutely speechlessly staring at Akret almost paralyzed. She felt pure hatred towards her.

After that Akret was following Wendy to see the rest of the palace, but soon the time they had to attend the meeting came so now they were heading there. The doctor or Doc for short came along with them this time ranting about how cool Akret was. Doc was a really good friend of Akret since the first day at the royal guard. She had a hard time settling in since Michael was there. Doc was a pure human like the royals. Pure humans were rare. He was even shorter then Zack reaching only to Akret's neck, but despite being only a doctor his fighting skills were better than Zack's. "How are you so good at everything??" Doc wondered out loud. "I'm not good at medical stuff." Akret answered, but was ignored by Wendy. "C'mon Doc! You're in the same special forces just like Akret. I think you're pretty cool as well." She tugged at Akret's new black cloak that Doc had too. "Pffff yeah sure, but it didn't took her four years to get this piece of fabric." Even when Akret was in the middle of them she felt like they forgot she was there.

Doc was a honoured member of the special forces earning the royals trust with his medical abilities. He always compared himself to the others because he didn't have magic or superpowers. Despite the fact he had an ability all the royal guard envied. He didn't feel pain. Which considering a fact he was a doctor made care taking pretty scary because if he didn't had the body studied to detail he wouldn't know he was hurting you. So despite being a cheerful lad people were scared of him and he had MANY rumours on his head.

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