
"Look Judy, the sex is good yes, but that's just all it's going to be, sex, let's not ruin it by trying to put a label to it, we're both having fun" he mutters bending down to my eye level and taking my hand, right now he's back to normal Jordan, not female Jordan.

I wasn't expecting that
"Okay, just fun right" I whisper and he just nods stroking my hand, I pull it away and scoot inside the bed
"I'm exhausted I wanna go to sleep, can you shut the door behind you please" I whisper and his lips parts in surprise

"Judy....." I cut him off

"I'll see you tomorrow Jordan" I whisper before turning my back to him, I shut my eyes tight until I hear the opening and closing sound of my door, an indication he'd left.

I breathe out and opened my eyes again.
Okay that hurt more than I thought it would, I know I'm not expecting him to express his undying love for me or anything but i definitely wasn't expecting him to say what we've been doing is just fun to him

I'm not gonna lie, I was beginning to like him, after our first three times of having sex, it started to feel real and awesome.
It started becoming more than just sex to me.

I shut my eyes and forced myself to sleep


"Whooooo"!!! Andre screamed at the top of his voice making us all laugh out, as you can guess we're at a party.
Kayla, Adrianna, Sam, Jordan, Andre, Abby and I and we're all high.

Kayla and Abby are high on drinks but the rest of us, you can guess.

Jordan and I haven't spoken to each other since that day, we've not had sex either.
It's just been awkward between us.

"Why don't we all play truth or dare" Adrianna suggests and Kayla agrees nodding her head

"Great idea Adrianna, play truth or dare while we're all shit faced and then do stupid things that we'd regret tomorrow, why didn't anyone think of that" he muttered sarcastically and she just rolled her eyes at him

"Don't be such a bore Jordan, it's going to be fun" Abby says before smiling at Andre, I just shake my head sighing out
"Or what do you think Judy? Game or no"? She asks looking at me and the others also have their attention on me.

"Of course let's play, what could go wrong" I mutter the last part out making the others to cheer, this is a bad idea.

"So who's going first"? Adrianna asks looking around since she brought the idea, and Andre raises his hand
"That's the spirit" she cheers and he gives her a thumbs up taking a sniff and shaking his head
"Truth or Dare Andre"?

"Truth" he mutters and Abby just scrunches her nose up

"Boo, that's lame Andre, even for you" she taunts and he just shrugs

"Okay then" Adrianna sigh before looking at us all then back at Andre "where's the craziest place you've ever had sex"? She asks making everyone cheer except for Jordan and me of course

"Let me see" he says making a thinking face "the craziest place I've ever had sex was at a school bonfire party, right in front of the bonfire in front of over 20 teenagers" he muttered making them all cheer

"Way to go Andre" Sam says whistling and the others starts laughing, I just roll my eyes at them

I don't mean to be a bitch but I'm not exactly excited about anything lately, well since Jordan openly told me that he was just having fun and nothing more.

"Kayla you're next" she says looking at her and she just smiles

"Fire on captain" she says making Abby laugh

"Truth or Dare"?

"Dare obviously" she says smirking

"I dare you to....."Abby cuts her off smiling

"Kiss Adrianna, and not just a chaste kiss, full on tonguing and shit" she says smirking
"And you can't say no, rules of the game" she says twirling a cup in her hand

"You don't have to do this" Kayla whispers to Adrianna and she just shakes her head, looking around and her eyes stops at Sam, and he doesn't even look bothered about it, motherfucker's high as shit

"No I want to, let's just get it over with" she whispers smiling and Kayla gets up walks towards her and sits close before breathing and pulling her close, their mouths suddenly meet in the middle and they start kissing.

Abby whistles in the background making everyone to laugh, even Jordan.
Kayla's hands quickly rests on Adrianna's breast and she squeezes a little

"Okay, okay, horny motherfuckers, that's enough, we still have a game to finish" Abby says loudly making everyone laugh again before they both break apart, there's something in Adrianna's eyes, never seen her like this, she's smiling, a full grin.

"So who's next"? She asks looking around and Abby just shrugs

"I guess it's me" she nutters and Sam starts clapping making Abby roll her eyes

"Okay, Truth or Dare Abby"?

"Dare" she whispers with a smirk looking at her sister, they both share a very weird look, like they know something we don't

"I dare you to...." Kayla cuts Adrianna off again

"Give Andre a lap dance" she finishes and Adrianna just groans out

"Can you girls quit interrupting me" she whines and Kayla just shrugs

"Sorry sweetheart, at least I said what's on everybody's mind right"? She says looking around, her eyes landing on me and I just shrug, I don't care.

I'm just his best friend and not his mother, I can't tell him what to do.

Abby gets up and adjust her dress
"Let's do this Andy" she says with a smirk, and Andre's smiling like an idiot, my eyes suddenly land on Jordan and I sigh out before getting up

"Judy, where you going"? Adrianna asks

"I'll be back, I just wanna use the bathroom" I mutter.

"Well don't stay too long, it'll soon be your turn" Kayla mutters and I just smile at her before walking out of the room to find myself a bathroom that I'm going to puke in.


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