🤓☝|| hcs n chapter keys

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most of this chapter is gonna be directly cnp'd from my discontinued, poorly written fic sooo yea

anygays wsp little fanfic addicts in my phone!! its been a while, i hope you're all doing ok :3

as you can tell, ive come back w/ the local tumblr dialect and some actual character analysis. im also funnier for some reason.

anyways, this is gonna be based off my au not canon so fucking deal w/ it idk

chapter keys:
♡: fluff
☹︎: angst
𖨆: worldbuilding or smth
☆: spookster shit
𖤐: smut (ok ill allow it...... my hypersexuality's been fuckin w/ me lately so you get smut (i am soooo sorry sex repulsed people (and ashur if he teleports to this fanfic).. this is gonna be hardcore))
🤓☝: author note


☆ they use the same pronouns as my beloved kin vers of them :3 (argos uses he/they/star, little argos (agathe) uses she/her, mr plant uses he/it)
☆ argos REALLY loves stars, whenever they're visible mr plant takes him to the park to see them

☆ whenever argos sees a really pretty flower small enough, he puts it in his hair to remind him of mr plant (and ofc, none of the pretty flowers could compare to his beloved bf <3)

☆ like some plants on earth, mr plant bleeds red sap (cuz its the closest resemblance to blood) i was originally gonna do white sap but i slowly realised how bad that would look if he bled.. cuz sap is sticky too.. EUGHH ANYWAYS

☆ mr plant has separation anxiety. whenever argos has to go to work his petals go stiff and he has a panic attack. if argos has to stay the whole night babysitting mr plant gets really bad nightmares. ofc when argos gets home he makes sure to try his best to calm mr plant down. it usually doesnt take much, just his presence. sometimes it gets so bad that he cant even sleep w/out argos. sometimes not even the sound of argos's voice is enough. he got super scared when he lost argos in "mr plant sees the stars". (such a good angst starter right??)

☆ mr plant will always let argos ramble about his new plants to him- obv, the babbling flower did it for him.. big meanie. mr plant enjoys listening to argos get so happy about his plants. (thats starting to sound like when me n eli called yesterday and he rambled abt his plants. anyways.)

☆ argos got rid of the spore mushroom. just an obvious one here.

☆ most of the time when argos murders, he doesnt even realise he's doing it. once he's done and he regains his thoughts, he gets super upset about it. think of that one bitch from chicago the musical when she found her sister and that charli mf doin.. the.. the spread eagle.. (i have sourced all this info from cell block tango) anygays. he goes to mr plants void and explains it to him. mr plant always helps argos clean up the mess.

☆ mr plant can almost never control his violent urges. argos usually calms them down, and when he doesnt its abt mr flower.

☆ whenever mr plant doesnt kill anyone for a day, argos gives him a sticker for good job. mr plant adds it to his sticker collection. when mr plsnt doesnt kill for a week, he gets hella yummy homemade brownies. if he goes a whole damn month (which is impossible for the big humanoid plant), he gets to go kill someone, cuz obviously he's been itching to do that for a month.

☆ mr plant doesnt hate touch, at times he enjoys it, and at others he doesnt. you can never tell. unless hes js had/in the middle of a panic attack. then he needs it.

☆ mr plant knows damn well his insane stalker bf is.. his insane stalker bf.. ok js look at my tumblr post abt it (mxrcuryheartss btw. if you even careee)

☆ argos makes kandi bracelets. for funzies ofc. he never trades them. he loves them too much.

☆ mr plant uses he/it. argos uses he/they. when they're kids, mr plant uses he/him and argos (or agatha at the time) uses she/her. js for reference.

☆ mr plant is cis. he's also achillean (me too buddy achilleans 4lifers). argos is gay (obviously) and yes, he is trans. how did you know. fucking sherlock.

(edit: i forgot to mention that i hc mr plant and mr flower as siblings. mb guys.)

no more cuz i dont wanna spoil too much :))

have a good day/night brainrot havers!!

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