A Cute little Raccoon

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Note: The reason of Aina's lose of memory will be shown at the very end of the story <3

 "" =  talking  '' = thinking  

Aina POV:

I slowly blink my eyes. 'My head is throbbing'. I say while grunting painfully and proceeded to sit up.....when I noticed that I couldn't. 'this is such a small space.....' Then memories of the black carriage incident flashed back. "Right....I was ran over by a black carriage but now where exactly am I?" I say while trying to figure out where I could've possibly ended up in. 'this shape...... so I'm inside a coffin' I was confused in why I was placed in a coffin but then suddenly a thought flashed through my head 'could I have died because of that incident?' The thought made me slightly frightened


"Huh" I let out a bewildered sound due to the unknown noise. 'What was that just now?'. Suddenly a new voice interrupted your thoughts

 ???: "Crap, People are coming, gotta get that uniform while-". 

'A child........?'

 ???:"Grrrrr!!! This lid is too heavy!!! "

 ???:"Alright if you won't open then I'll make you!! Guwahh~~~~ There we go!!. The unknown voice stated before suddenly puffing out fire

I widen my eyes at the sight of fire. 'My....This young one is definitely good at casting magic that I'll say'. The lid of the coffin fell off and as it did I took the opportunity to step out. 'Now I must thank this........'

The creature claps their hands before opening their eyes and saying ??? :"alright now that's gone time to get the--"

"Raccoon..?". I look at the creature below with a confused look

Raccoon[?]:"Waaaaaaahhhhhhh-!!!!" . The Raccoon[?] stares at me shocked

Raccoon[?]:"Why are you awake!!!!! . It says while pointing at me

I tilt my head at it. "Hm? Am I not supposed to be Mr Raccoon?"

Raccoon[?]:"Who are you calling a raccoon!!!! .The Raccoon[?] puffs out angrily

Grim: I am the one and only great Grim

"Eh Grim?". I say before thinking 'that's a cute name'

Grim: "Well never mind that, Hey human! 

Grim: "Give me your uniform!" He says while smirking. "or else I'll roast ya!!" He adds on while showing of his blue flames

'Getting run over by a black carriage, waking up in a mysterious place with floating coffins and a cute Raccoon threatening to roast me certainly has all the writings of a fairy tale...my this is quite amusing to say the least'. I bow down slightly towards "Grim". "Little one I would kindly give you my robe that is if I wouldn't be naked without it  so unfortunately I would like to politely decline this offer of yours". I say while smiling

Grim: "You!! Who are ya callin Little!" .He shouts angrily. "And if you won't give that uniform of yours then ya leave me no choice but to make ya!!!". He says before starting to puff out fire.

"My...You don't know when someone says no huh? Fine I'll give you my uniform but you'll need to catch me first". I say before activating my electro powers and dashing away

Grim: "HEY!! Get back here!!" He shouts irritated

I continued running away until he's screams were began to be faint. 'As much as this place amuses me I still would like to return home-'. I suddenly turn to a halt. 'wait..........where exactly is home?'. I thought while I tried recalling my hometown and my relatives but I couldn't.......I remember being ran over by that carriage but where was I ran over?. 'I have a home to go to but what's the place called?'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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