Morlach The Knight of St. Mark 2

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The inhabitants placed their village on the edge of the field around two springs that sprang from the hill above the huts and flowed through the area to flow into a river called Zrmanja. Its narrow and green waters settled and sailed under the Velebit mountain, which, like a giant shield, guarded the breathtaking vistas day and night.

The villagers said Zrmanja was whispering about the past, but no one would understand. Some tried to understand this, so they watched as it split the meadows and rocky shores so that it flowed crookedly with its faithful curves, now calm, gentle, and quiet, and now it roars over the waterfalls. One moment is in the village, and already the next moment is under the bridge; now it crosses the mill wheels, and so to the blue sea under the constant accompaniment of the yellow-golden rays of the Sun and Moon.


The Turks removed movable property from disobedient peasants, took their male children from their parent's homes, and raised them in another religion, so people under duress, thinking they would save their families, went to war without knowing whe...

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The Turks removed movable property from disobedient peasants, took their male children from their parent's homes, and raised them in another religion, so people under duress, thinking they would save their families, went to war without knowing where Kandia was, where it all began.

The sound of the battle trumpet silenced the playing of the shepherd's flute, and before the invasion of the janissaries and the Turkish cavalry, the reapers' song fell silent in the fields. It got unbearably bad. People with blind hearts in their chests took off to make fuel for the future fire. The rifle and knife completely replaced the shepherd's staff and plow and became part of the folk costume.

Once fertile fields soon became blood-soaked battlefields. Many villages and old towns turned into abandoned and burned ruins in the first years of that bloody war. The cemetery expanded, and the women replaced their white headscarves with black ones. Complete devastation, lawlessness, epidemics, and famine reigned in Turkish Dalmatia. ...

As soon as Providor left, Vukadin asked Petar with a suspicious expression on his face:

"What does he call us?"

"Morlachs. We are now their Morlachs army."

"And what does that mean, Morlachs?"

          "And what does that mean, Morlachs?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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