part one: prologue

Start from the beginning

"Nothing. It's just that mom, dad, and Lucy should've been here by now." She said.

I furrowed my brows, "Well have you texted them?"

"Lucy texted me earlier but she said that they were on their way. I texted back but she hasn't responded."

"Well then that's okay then. They're probably just stuck in traffic and she has no signal." I shrugged. She stared down at her screen, still frowning. I sighed, putting my hand over the screen and lowering the phone. "Look, J, don't worry. They'll be here soon. You know dad, he probably stopped to get food."

She shrugged, "He always does want a pregame snack, huh?"

"Exactly! And he will get one whether mom likes it or not." I joked, making Jackie give me an unconvincing smile. So the thing about Jackie is that her and Lucy were always closer. I'm not sure why, as if I'm not the token adopted middle child.

But she loved Lucy and I know that her being here was really important to her, since I could hear them on facetime talk about it almost every night for the past two weeks.

I sighed, ready to try to convince her again when someone spoke from behind us. "Jackie!"

We both turned, seeing a girl in Jackie's grade approaching us with a big smile.

"Oh hi, Y/n." She greeted me.

"Hi, Chelsea." I smiled back at her. Jackie gave me a quick look before speaking to her.

"Did you check in with the caterers?"

"Canapés are going out in ten minutes."

"Great. Thank you."

"Wow, Jackie, this is so awesome. Can't believe you pulled it off. The Events Committee is gonna be stoked." Chelsea gushed.

"I hope so. The photo booth alone has raised over a thousand dollars for charity so far. I was just telling Y/n that I hope it's enough to get me Events chair next semester."

"Jackie, we're freshmen." Chelsea gave her a funny look. "Only juniors and seniors can be committee chairs."

"We'll see." Jackie shrugged, giving her a confident smile. I grinned, nudging her.

"You underestimate my sister, Chelsea, Jackie's got this in the bag."

"Oh, I don't doubt her." Chelsea out her hands up defensively, making us laugh. "Anyways, it looks like the entire senior class of Saint Aldrich is here."

"Really? Where?" I quickly stood on my tiptoes, looking over at the crowd. My eyes widened, seeing the group of cute guys at the photo booth.

"Holy shit, Chris Stevens is here."

"I know, right. He never comes to things like this too." Chelsea squealed. Then, she looked over at Jackie and frowned. "Jackie, hello? Are you listening to us?"

I looked over, seeing Jackie staring down at her phone again. She looked behind us to the entrance and sighed.

"Okay, I see. Expecting someone in particular?" Chelsea smirked.

"Yes." Jackie smiled, "Our sister."

"Oh? Lucy's home."

"For summer break. My parents picked her up from Bennington earlier. She should be here by now..." Jackie looked over at me and wrinkled her brows.

"I already told you, they'll be here." I put a hand on her shoulder. Chelsea shrugged, a smile spreading her face.

"Oh my God, this is going to be the best night ever."

I smiled back, nodding as my hand still remained on Jackie's shoulder.

It was supposed to be the best night ever. I had my friends waiting for me on the dance floor. My dress was beautiful, designed by my mom. My hair was nicely curled and framed my face just right. They were playing my favorite song. All that was missing was my family.

My family.

"Y/n, Jackie." Someone spoke from behind us. We turned, seeing our Uncle Richard standing there. He wore a nice suit, as if he had just came from work, and his brows were furrowed and his lips were tight.

"Uncle Richard?" Jackie looked at him confused.

"What are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming to the mixer too." I smiled.

"Uh..." He started, his eyes were casted down to the ground. I stepped forward, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Uncle Richard, is everything okay?"

He didn't say anything, he only reached for Jackie's ipad and took us both by the shoulder, escorting us gently out of the venue. It was at that moment that my life would be forever changed.

You hear about loss in movies, in books, in social media, but you never experience it for yourself. Sure, maybe you'll lose a distant relative or maybe your childhood pet, but you never imagine it to be the people closest to you.

When my Uncle Richard told us the news, my mind went blank. The world went quiet and I felt numb. I didn't hear the loud sobs that my sister let out. I didn't feel my uncle putting a hand on my shoulder.

I just felt nothing. I mean, in the movies you see the people crying, maybe throwing a plate or two, maybe running. But is that how you're supposed to feel?

How are you really supposed to feel after finding out that your mom, dad, and older sister all passed away in a car crash?

I don't know. I simply don't know.

hi guys, so if anyone is actually reading this i would like to introduce myself. i'm nessa, and about four years ago i joined on wattpad and wrote a few stories that were decently popular. since then i've pretty much disappeared and fell off the face of the earth after falling out of love for writing.

recently tho, i've been missing it and have been growing a bit bored lol. ik some of you must be from that time of my life and i hope that you'd give me another chance at being a writer.

for those that are new, i hope you enjoy this fun little book. i'm not sure how frequent the updates will be, but i'll try my best for everyone.

but for now, i hope you enjoy,


PS these will definitely be way longer as the story continues

PPS pls vote!

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