Yes, a freaking Fudgy Ball

Start from the beginning

"Oh my goodness! That's a ruddy big manor!", Helen exclaimed and pointed at the top while Hermione just rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, Helen — language!", he said and chuckled. But he knew inside that it was indeed shocking for the manor to appear in an instant as if it was always there.

"I assume it was charmed for us not gifted folks not to know any better about it?", Edward said to which Harry happily nodded.

"Yessir! And even if you knew that Potter Manor was here, and this is Stinchcombe Hill, you didn't know the whole thing from my mouth so you couldn't piece it together and you won't be allowed to see it", Harry said as he guided them over to the Manor.

"So you were using a logical puzzle to withhold the complete picture. And if and only if we knew the complete picture we could crack the code! That's quite ingenious!", Edward exclaimed.

"Yeah! And add in the fact that only those few with a magical signature — picture a particularly unique radio frequency, can explicitly tell you about this thing, you wouldn't know any better if I didn't tell you about it"

"Just the perfect encryption for you wizards to use!"

"Perhaps Eddie and you can sit along for an afternoon chat to discuss about all this and us ladies wouldn't be bored to kingdom come", Mrs. Granger said as they reached where Sirius was standing.

"Sirius, this is Mr. and Mrs. Granger and their daughter Hermione. She's my batchmate in Gryffindor", he said formally — for the first time to Padfoot of all beings!

"A pleasure, Mr. Granger. May I dare say you both look absolutely stunning this evening", and he bowed and kissed Mrs. Granger's knuckles.

"Quite the charmer, Eddie", she said while Harry just rolled his eyes and said, "More on the lines of eccentric instead"

And so it went on. He had the ever-growing urge to run off when he saw the fudgy minister and his wife but still grudges on nevertheless. After impressing the Italian and French ministers with his linguistic proficiency, who seemed to genuinely want to know Harry than his father, he and Sirius finally moved in for the ball to start.

"Ladies and gentlemen, witches and wizards, high dignitaries and my dear Goblin friends", James said from the podium for the orchestra, "I am deeply honoured to get the opportunity to welcome your most gracious presence in my home for the very first Potter Yule Ball. Now not wasting any time, let's begin", and he held Lily's hand, who was wearing a brilliant white dress to the dance floor.

Everyone who had their partners with them joined in, while those who did not went to ask others for their hand. Harry excused himself to a mug of butterbeer, while silently enjoying the waltz and tapping his legs to the rhythm. Soon enough, a girl whom he recognised as Daphne Greengrass approached him.

"Well I learnt from the Prophet that you just learnt to dance properly. Although I don't believe in that rubbish, is it really true?", she asked from genuine curiosity.

"Well, no of course. I learnt many dances till the age of 9", Harry said, sighing.

"Then would you mind showing me a few of your moves, Scion Potter?", she asked batting her eyelashes and rolling her eyes at Harry's reluctance.

"An absolute pleasure I assure you, but I'd excuse myself, Miss Greengrass", he said diplomatically.

"I get it that you are afraid of people staring at you, she hit the bullseye blindfolded.

"Um. . . Yeah", he said uneasily.

"That's why I came here. You see, there are a lot of other empty girls over there, like Hermione, Tracey and Weasley, so I'd thought that I'd get you away from their prying eyes or at least get you to know one of them for the evening"

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