He took a moment to look around at his surroundings. No longer was Albert and his friends, surrounded by lush vegetation and trees. He now found himself looking down at the forest where he and his friends were. They were on the mountain some miles away from the forest. Giant boulders now replaced the trees. No more lush vegetation, but only sticks and stones dotted the land.

"This is quite a barren wasteland," Albert thought while observing Folas and Ava. "I think I can understand them, but what's more interesting is it seems like they are elves!"

"Now, if only I knew where they were taking us," Albert's eyes gleamed with curiosity.

"Folas, I know that one of them is a half-elf, but what about the one that's awake? It looks human, but its eyes give off a different aura than a human would give off. Not to mention it has a tail!" Ava the female elf said

Ava then looked at German, "Also, what about the other? Is that one human?"

Folas just shrugged, "Maybe he was born with a gift."

"A gift?! Then shouldn't we keep him and raise him? Think about all the money it can make in the future," Ava said with greed in her eyes.

"We are adventurers. We don't have time to raise a human. I also wouldn't want rumors to spread that we are keeping a human baby. That could potentially spark a war between our races," Folas the male elf lectured.

"Ok, ok, please stop talking. You remind me of Mom, always lecturing me at every chance you get," Ava ran a little bit ahead to escape Folas' nagging.

"Mom told me to look after you. I'm just trying to help you not make any more mistakes," Folas muttered to himself in a sad tone.

"WAS GERMAN ALMOST KEPT AS A SLAVE?!" Albert's thoughts became more worried than curious

Albert tried to use his little arms to wake up German, who was right next to him in the basket

German opened his eyes. "Who is moving me right now?" As German was thinking to himself, he gradually realizing where he was.

Albert attempted to use hand signals to get German to wake up Tony, but he didn't stir. "We're here. Ava, go talk to the guard up ahead and explain the situation. I don't feel like waiting in line," Folas commanded

"Alright, will do," Ava replied before running off to speak with the guard.

Albert and German got their first glimpse of the city, spotting a crest with two swords crossing and an angel halo floating above it on the gate made of black stone. Two guards stood at the gate, inspecting those who entered and their cargo, mostly merchants. A long string of carriages lined the entrance.

"Seems the Scarlet Moon is happening soon if there are this many merchants wanting entry into the city," Folas muttered to himself.

After Ava successfully explained the situation to the guard, Folas, Albert, German, and Tony were permitted entry.

"The guard said to head towards the center to find the church, right?" Ava asked

Folas sighed, "You need to get a better sense of directions."

They walked towards the grand cathedral, built with white marble and embellished with gold markings, with a grand statue of an angel in front of the entrance. They entered and sat on the benches, placing the basket beside them while waiting for the priest.

"Welcome to the church. My name is Igan, I am the high priest here. Now, what business would adventurers from Deno code have here?" Igan asked as he approached Folas.

"We wish to leave these three in your care," Folas replied, pointing to the basket where the babies resided.

"I see, but raising children, especially babies, costs quite a bit," Igan responded with a sly look.

Folas made a face of disgust. "Three gold coins should be enough," Folas said as he reached for his pouch.

"Three gold coins would usually be enough, but since one is a half-elf, the price is a bit higher," Igan said, looking at Tony.

Folas became enraged. "You little..."

"Seven gold coins should be enough, right?" Ava quickly interrupted Folas.

"A wide grin can be seen on Igan's face. "Yes, seven will be enough," Igan said as Ava handed him the coins.

"Take these babies to the 'nursery'," Igan instructed the nurse who had just arrived.

The nurse picked up the basket and took the babies away. "Now, would you two have any other business here?" Igan asked, directing the question to Folas.

"No, we're leaving now," Folas said as he and Ava left the cathedral.

Meanwhile, Albert, Tony, and German found themselves in a dark room.

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