Becoming Carmen sandiego and Y/n

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Helicopter blades whir. Carmen's cell phone goes off.

Black sheep: Player, not a good time!

Player: Can't cite the no-cell-phone rule if you're not on campus. Taking a little field trip?

Y/n: What? How did you know?

Player: Remember how I could never hack past the jammers at your school to triangulate your location? Well, guess what? Your phone suddenly lit up on my dashboard. It looks like you're currently traveling en route to...

Y/n: Dude, hold that thought.

Man, via radio: Approaching drop point. Assume your positions.

Black sheep: Gotta call you back!

She ends the call. Chevre, Topo, Gray, and Tigress stand at the ready.

Black sheep: [gasp] I don't have a parachute!

Gray: What are you waiting for? Cats always land on their feet!

Kitten:* whispering to black sheep) well for this hight not really

He kicks Tigress forward. She screams.

Y/n: Heads up!

The last 3 on the plane, Carmen and Y/n tackles Gray.

Gray: Black Sheep!? Kitten!?

Carmen: Don't let go!

Gray: Are you out of your mind!? You just put your safety and my entire criminal career at risk! What will the faculty do when they discover you decided to tag along on our mission?

Carmen: Who cares? We'll be long gone.

Tigress: Crackle? Let's move!

Gray: Stay here. I mean it.

Y/n: Hmph. Time to crash a caper.

Mime Bomb pantomimes a chicken before the panel of faculty.

Cleo: You... are a chicken?

He nods, then begins to flap his arms.

Cleo: Chickens do not fly!

Maelstrom: Who here thought it was a good idea to make a mime a spy?

Brunt: Fly the coop? Black Sheep and Kitten ran off with the others.

Shadowsan groans.

Cleo: We could have quite a mess on our hands.

Maelstrom: Alert the Cleaners.

Carmen gasps.

Y/n: Casablanca. We are in Morocco. We made it to the real world. ...Mission first, sight-see later.

Black sheep stops to take a selfie with y/n, then runs off. She walks toward a bright light source.

Man: Young lady? It is quite late. Do your parents know where you are?

Black sheep: I don't even know where I am. What is this place?

Man: An archaeological dig site, where we search for links to our past.

Y/n: You mean like, dinosaur bones?

Man: Anything historic. If you've been following the news, you'll know that we just discovered a relic here dating from a much more recent era. The Eye of Vishnu. My crew identified it just days ago and are carefully unearthing it at this very moment.

Black sheep: And you're not worried about them stealing it?

Man: Now, why ever would they do that? My crew is well aware that a treasure such as this belongs in a museum.

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