⋆ first morning

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 I just woke up I checked my phone beside me it's 6:23 am thank god I didn't have any nightmares

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I just woke up I checked my phone beside me it's 6:23 am thank god I didn't have any nightmares. I get up and shower I found a blueberry shower gel and a shampoo and conditioner I shave and everyone I go out to pick an outfit well yes I'm broke asf but I spent all the money I have on clothes because like who wants to look like they got no fashion sense I picked something comfy because I was planning on going on a walk and then coming back then I'll change

 I get up and shower I found a blueberry shower gel and a shampoo and conditioner I shave and everyone I go out to pick an outfit well yes I'm broke asf but I spent all the money I have on clothes because like who wants to look like they got no fa...

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I went downstairs while I was hoping to see any of them (my brothers) and tell them I was going but I didn't find any I saw the cute maid she looked my age in the kitchen I went up to her

"Hey excuse me"

"Well good morning Mrs martínez"

"Good morning, I'm just going on a walk can u just inform my brothers if u see them"

"Yeah sure I'll Mrs. But make sure to come before 9 because breakfast is at 9 "

"Hey listen you look my age you can just call me Athena. What's your name by the way"

"Lilith that's my name"

"Well lilith I'll head out but I'll see u around"

I go on my walk while I'm listening to my playlist my favorite thing in the world the wind was cold but it was nice the sky was gloomy it was just so cozy I continued walking then I decided to come back when I was about to go inside I check my phone it's 8:55 am

On time for breakfast, I go inside immediately to the dining room I see everyone about to sit 

they all look at me Felipe looks my way and says "What the fuck are you wearing" I gave him a side eye and say "That's none of your business" 

I felt like I was out of breath and I knew it just because I have asthma. Before pulling out my inhaler the unfamiliar brother was looking at me then he finally spoke "Are you okay Athena you look like you can't breathe" Then I realized my inhaler was not in my pocket i ran back to my room so fast i got my inhaler i come back down

I looked up at him and said "Yeah sorry I had to get my inhaler don't worry it's just my asthma" They all looked at me with wide eyes I gave them confusing looks and said "What like you have never seen someone who has asthma before" then they all look away

Emiliano started talking again "Hey Athena I didn't get to see you yesterday because I had some work my apologies" I looked up from my plate met his eyes and said "Yeah it's okay" and continued eating he was about to say "come with me after breakfast we have rules to discu-" then my phone started ringing


I gave him a warm smile because he's just so cute and he reminds me of Noah and I nodded

I check my phone and it's him Tyler I answer

"what's up ena"

"hey, Tyler"

"you didn't come to the meet-up yesterday everyone was looking for you you never missed a meet up " 

"well my bad I'm all the way in Miami"

"what the fuck are you doing there?"

"Long story man I found my biological family"

"are you coming back?"

"I don't know ill come back sometimes"

"okay until next time Ena"

"yeah and don't call me Ena." 

I love it when someone gives me a nickname

"bye ena"


he hang up

all my brothers have a blank look on their faces.

Then Sandro decided to speak "Who's Tyler" I looked at him "did yall not learn tf does minding your business mean"  we all finished eating and got up I was about to leave but a hand caught my wrist and remove my hand I looked back Emiliano "Come with me too discuss the rules"
And followed him he turns back again "iego come"

i smile at myself at least a normal human being is going to be there 

we go into his office he tells me to take a seat 

"Welcome back to the Martinez family athena" he says

i nodded 

we have some rules you need to follow

he started talking and I zoned out and didn't hear what he said I was thinking about going on a ride in my car in a late-night listening to music god I want my car so bad

suddenly I hear someone calling my name 

It him "Are you listening" 

"yes" no I wasn't 

"as i said no boyfriends, boy-friends, cussing, going out without telling any of us"

"I kind of disagree cuz I already have a boyfriend, boy-friends and all of yall cuss so why only me but I'm okay with the last one"

he sighs "okay okay you can go now" "iego give her a tour around the house"

AN :

it's been a while sorry for not uploading

Short chapter

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