Y3 P2 - Best Quidditch players to ever live

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- But isn't he like first year? How is it possible? - asked Y/N
Y/N and the biys were sitting in the common room. They were suppose to be doing their homework but we all know that is not realy Weasley twins area.
- McGonagalls special word - answered Fred - She saw potencial in him
- Wood did too - added George
- Well he may be Woods and McGonagalls favourite - said Y/N - But he will never bet my personal favourites. Best Quidditch players to ever live
- You are very diplomatic Miss L/N - said Fred
- We know that you love us but you can't have two favorites - added George
- We may be twins but our skills are not the same - Fred winked at George
- So tell us Miss L/N - finished George - Who do you think is the best Quidditch player?
Y/N turned red in the face. She may had a favourite but there was no way she would tell them which one of the twins is it.
- You are right - Y/N stood up - I can not deny my feeling any more. I'm embarrassed to say but ... my favourite for a long time was Olivier Wood
Then she run away to the girls dormitory, where Fred and George couldn't follow.
- Come back Y/N - shouted George
- You will need to come back downstairs sooner or later - added Fred
- Do you really think she mean that? - asked George
- Mean what? - answered Fred - That she like Wood. Come on. I think it's quite obvious that Wood isn't really her type
Fred stood up from the couch.
- I need to talk to Lee about something. I will be back in a moment - he added - As well as I think it's quite obvious that you are her favourite Georgie - he whispered to himself
George stayed on the couch, waiting for Y/N to come back. After 15 minutes Y/N stepped into the common room quietly.
- Fred went away? - whispered Y/N
- Yes - answered George - Had some buisness with Lee
Y/N sat next to him, smiling.
- Don't tell him that - said Y/N - But you are my favourite Quidditch player

On the next day it was the first Quidditch match - Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Y/N walked Fred and George to the dressing room.
- Well good luck - she hugged Fred - Show those Slytherins how weak they are
Then she hugged George and left to the tribunes. She sat next to her friends. She watched the match carefully.
- Hey they can't do that! - she shouted as she saw some of Slytherins players trying to push George of his broom
- Are they together yet? - whispered one of her friends
- Nah - whispered back the other one
Suddenly Harry Potter managed to spot the Golden Snitch, when Quidditch capitan pushed him out of the way and Harry's broom began jerking uncontrollably. Weasley twins run to help him in the air. After few minutes Harry was in control again. He sped toward the ground and land, catching the snitch. All Gryffindors run to the court, shouting and singing. Fred and George grab Harry and put him on his arms so everybody could see him. Wood and McGonagall run to them and took Harry to congratulate him, as Y/N managed to run down the tribunes. She saw George and run up to him. She jumped onto him and huged him, her hands around his neck and her legs around his waist. George smiled to himself and hide his head in her neck, taking a deep sigh of her sent.
- And I don't deserve the congratulations hug? - asked Fred
Y/N laughted, as she stood up on her legs again and hugged Fred gently.
- Congratulations to you both - she said

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