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(Orange highlights can be whatever color you want)

"Oh, a new outfit, Y/n?" Yaoyorozu asked the obvious.

"Not going with the brooding look like before?" Jirou asked after, a smirk on her face.

Y/n nodded while holding the hem of the black jacket.

"Yeah, my vigilante outfit was too tattered to use it anymore. And, I don't want to be recognized by the whole school. Just our class is enough of a headache..." Y/n said while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I apologize on behalf of our class." She almost bowed, when Y/n grabbed her shoulders. "It's fine, really. It's amusing to have that much recognition once in a while."

"Well, if you say so..." The vice president relents, still unsure.

"Alright. As I said before, your internships are beginning in a week. Submit your hero of choice that you want to intern with by this friday." Aizawa said, earning a collective "Yes, sir!" from the class.

"And, next on the schedule... You, L/n." All eyes on the ex-vigilante when he was addressed. "You'll be having a Quirk apprehension test. And since you're this late into the semester, your test will be a little different." Murmurs can be heard at the mention of a different test.

"And also, since you can't be expelled for failing it, there will be a heavy penalty." As he said this, an unnerving grin was plastered on the teacher's face.

"And so, the test is as follows; An obstacle course against some of the students in class, and a 1v1 against someone in class." The teacher tapped something on a device as a hologram appeared, showing two different timers.

"You have 20 minutes to complete the first one and 10 minutes for the second. Cementos, if you will." Aizawa called out to a fellow pro hero, waving lazily behind him.

And all of the sudden, the ground shook a bit, and structures began to take form in the big gym.  On the other side of the gym, was a replica of a portion of a city, a rural area.

Then, it shifted to a forest-like structure, tree branches and bars made out of cement were visible. After, the area created by cement was almost like a parkour course. And lastly, a tall tower, almost reaching the ceiling of the gym. There's a red flag at the top.

"Y/n, you have to Catch the Flag before someone else does. Iida, Asui, Kaminari, Sero. You guys take charge of each section respectively to make sure he doesn't pass." Aizawa called out their names when they jolted in place, not expecting their names to be called.

"Yes, Sir!" They sounded, with Iida the most enthusiastic and saluted to their teacher.

"You, get ready at the city structures. Oh, and Plus Ultra. Do your best." He pointed at Y/n, before walking away. He watched as Aizawa walked away, then looked at the giant obstacle course.

"20 minutes to cover that distance? And I have to fight them off as well..?" Y/n muttered while looking at the obstacle course.

"Well, good luck..?" Jirou was the most supporting person, ever.

"Gee, thanks."

As Y/n was stretching while the appointed classmates got ready at their posts, a wild shrub approached him. "L-L/n! Wait a sec!"

"Huh, Midroiya? What's up? Wait, are you supposed to be here?"

"Well, I think so..? Anyways, I have a few notes of Iida and the others--" Midroiya said as he pulled out a notebook from god-knows-where, but was stopped by Y/n.

"Look, I appreciate your cause, but I want to do this fair and square. It's not like I'll have every villain's info in the future before fighting them. I'll just have to make do." The taller male said with a smile pushing the notebook back to its owner, Midoriya.

Midoriya was a little stunted. It was the second time someone refused to use his knowledge against someone else. With a knowing look, Midoriya nodded and Y/n returned the nod with his own.

"Alright.... Are you ready, brat?" Aizawa asked through the microphone, the other students behind him watching expectantly.

'Brat...!?' They thought collectively when they heard his nickname to Y/n.

Y/n raised a thumbs up, to which Aizawa could barely see, but he assumed that he was. Raising a gun with blank round, he presses a finger on the trigger, and a loud bang was heard


The sound reaches Y/n's ears as he enters into a sprint.

And thus, the timer began for his 20 minute run on the obstacle course.


A little short this time, hope you guys don't mind.

Think of it as suspense, I suppose?

But don't worry, the next chapter should be a bit longer than usual, I hope.

See you on the next chapter then, Plus Ultra!

Blade Dance Y/n:

Reincarnated Y/n:

R. Y/n: Who're you?

B.D Y/n: I'm you, but more OP.

R. Y/n: Well I guess OP isn't the author's schtick...

R. Y/n: Made me wonder how on earth why the Death's Disciple book isn't axed already...

B.D Y/n: Don't give him ideas. He's already blacked out as it is.

*Both B.D Y/n and R. Y/n looks at the author who's on the floor after falling from his bed.*

That Time I Got Reincarnated with the Fifth's QuirkWhere stories live. Discover now