Chapter 13: Fly Me To The Moon

Start from the beginning

All of the older gents laughed, and Michael forced a smirk on his face. He didn't quite get this type of humor that older men seemed to always laugh at. Maybe once he was in his forties, he'd understand? Who knows. Michael aimlessly looked around him as the circle of men continued to laugh and have a good time. Pilar was in the middle of a crowd, doing party tricks, as usual. Dorio and Sasha didn't even show up today. And Rebecca was sitting by herself, a short distance away. That was.... Rather out of character for her, as she was typically quite the social butterfly. "I'm gonna go see what Rebecca is up to," Michael quietly said to Maine. Maine looked at him and gave him a thumbs up, and Michael nodded, and turned to walk towards Rebecca. As Michael walked towards her, he saw a trio of young looking guys walk up to her as well. Maybe they were friends of hers? Michael wasn't quick to judge. But as he got closer, he could hear what they were saying. "C'mon, shorty!" One of the guys said in a cocky tone. "Don't gotta play hard to get!"

It was some tall, lanky guy, who was clearly shitfaced. "I told you to fuck off!" Rebecca snapped back, clearly frustrated. Michael began to walk faster. The lanky guy, with a huge shit-eating grin on his face, reached forward, and tried to touch her. Rebecca grabbed the dude's wrist and twisted it around. The guy tensed up as he fell to his knees and recoiled in pain. "Aaargh!" he shouted, as he glared back up at her. "You stupid bitch!"

At this point, Michael was running towards them as fast as he could, his helmet slipping out of his arm. The dude got up, and immediately threw a punch at Rebecca. Rebecca was able to move her head out of the way, and punch him square in the nose. The dude fell back, holding his nose for a moment, as he stumbled back up. At this point, all three of the young men began whaling on her. Being a tough woman, Rebecca was able to fight back for a moment, but was soon overwhelmed due to her small size. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Michael yelled as he was sprinting in their direction. The young men, probably due to their drunkenness, were too tunnel-visioned to pay Michael any mind, as they continued to kick Rebecca as she was shoved down to the floor. Michael ran up to the closest guy, and punched him square in the side of the head. The thug slammed into the floor, and slid across the asphalt for a few feet. That got their attention. The other two looked up at Michael, their expressions filled with anger. "Who the fuck are you?" One of them shouted in a taunting tone. This guy was short, but rather muscular, and wore a gray wife-beater with skinny jeans, and expensive looking sneakers. He stomped over to Michael, puffing his chest out and trying to get in his face. The same feeling of uncontrollable rage that Michael felt when he fought the Scavs in the warehouse that had kidnapped Rebecca, had begun to fester inside of him once more. As he got up in Michael's face, Michael reached out, and grabbed the back of the guy's head. "The fuck are you-" He began to mutter, but was interrupted as Michael yanked the guys head down, and kneed him square in the face. The force of the blow caused the guy to lean up and stumble backwards, falling down on his backside as he yelped in pain. A red splotch was left on Michael's knee. "You're fuckin' dead!" The tall, lanky guy shouted, as he pulled out a knife, and lunged at Michael. As he raised the knife in the air, Michael swiftly punched the guy's arm with his full strength. The force of the Gorilla Arm caused the dude's arm to snap halfway off. He screeched in pain as the knife fell out of his hand. At this point, the rage had fully taken over, and Michael's conscious self took a backseat as he continued to maim the three young men for an amount of time he wasn't aware of.

"Michael, stop!" Rebecca screamed as she stood behind him and shook his shoulders. Michael was instantly snapped back into awareness, and stared at the scene before him, which he had created. The first man he punched was huddled up to the wall of the bar, still alive, but covered in blood and bruises, and shivering as he held his own head. Next to Michael, was the body of the tall guy, whose arm was now completely snapped off, and his own knife lodged into his eye socket. Michael then looked down, at the short guy, whom he was repeatedly bludgeoning before Rebecca snapped him out of it. His head had been mushed into a paste, with a few chunks of skull still intact. Michael looked down at his hands, which were completely covered in crimson. "What the fuck...." Michael muttered to himself, as he stumbled back up to his feet. He turned around, and looked at Rebecca. She was covered in bruises and scratches from the young men beating her, and her head was bleeding a little. Michael looked behind Rebecca, and saw that Maine, Pilar, and most of the party goers were looking at him in shock. Michael's head jerked between looking at the maimed bodies, Rebecca, and the crowd. "I...." Michael stuttered. "What the fuck did I...."

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