Chapter 12: Rage Against The Machines

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After a few hours, everyone in the Afterlife looked towards the front entrance as Michael stomped in, Rebecca's Gorilla Arm now his own. Rogue and V were sitting in the same spot, and turned to look as Michael walked up to them. "Well I'll be damned," Rogue said, clearly impressed. "Guess that Gary guy isn't such a gonk after all."

"He definitely knows his stuff," Michael added. "He even made a few of his own additions. He reinforced the hand with additional pistons, tripling the strength of the punch, as well as the grip. And check this out...."

Michael lifted the arm up, pointed it at the ceiling, and a mechanism opened in the arm. Sliding out of the arm was Rebecca's shotgun, now converted into an arm-mounted weapon. "Gary modified the shotgun's chamber to hold double the amount of shells, and it even fires in full auto." Michael explained. Rogue and V looked at each other and nodded their heads. "Welp, looks like you'll be fucking shit up in no time," V said with a small hint of amusement. "Falco is already at the Spaceport with my associates, so you best be on your way."

"You sent them there by themselves?" Michael asked, crossing his arms. "Don't worry, they'll do just fine." V responded. Michael nodded his head, and turned around to run out the door.

Michael was across the long bridge to the Spaceport, with Rogue and V on the line, just in case. "So, who exactly are these associates of yours?" Michael asked V. "The Aldecaldos, a group of Nomads I did some jobs with back when I was a Merc." V explained. "I was able to get them to help ....eventually."

"Ok, coming up on the spaceport," Michael said, readying his wrist-mounted weapons. "I'll let you know when we're finished here."

As Michael got closer, the sound of gunfire grew closer and closer, until the fight was in view. The Aldecaldos were there, of course, dozens of them, and Falco was with them. The group appeared to be pinned down by several possessed Arasaka soldiers and mechs. As Michael flew closer, the possessed forces all ceased fire, and looked up at him. Falco and the Aldecaldos all turned around as well, to see what they were looking at. "You're late to the party!" Falco shouted up at him. Once Michael got closer, the possessed Arasaka forces all opened fire in his direction, and without saying a word, Michael zoomed down at one of the mechs, and readied his Gorilla Arm. The mech, unwavering, continued firing as Michael punched it square in the eye. Michael shoved his arm deeper into the machine, and ripped out a chunk of its mechanical components. The mech stumbled backwards and exploded as Michael flew towards another target, a group of Arasaka soldiers, and readied his Gorilla Arm once more. One of the soldiers stepped back and flinched as Michael rocketed towards the ground, and punched it with the Gorilla Arm. The impact shattered the floor around him and the soldiers, causing the soldiers to all fly around, slamming into signs, metal poles, and the sides of buildings. An elite Arasaka soldier sprinted towards him with a katana, and Michael turned to face them. Michael aimed his left arm, and opened fire with the shotgun. The soldier dropped their sword and fell backwards as they were filled with lead, and a trail of red splattered behind them. With Michael providing a proper distraction, Falco and the rest of the Aldecaldos were able to dispose of the rest of the Possessed, and walked over to meet him. "See?" Falco said to one of the Aldecaldos with a positive tone. "I told you he'd show up."

A different Aldecaldo walked up to Michael. She wore a cropped Aldecaldo jacket, jeans, had her hair up in a bun, and had light brown skin. "You must be Michael," she said. "I am Panam. The head of the Aldecaldos."

"That would be me," Michael replied, politely nodding his head. "Looks like I just got you guys out of a tight spot."

"No need to stroke your own ego," Panam retorted. "We could've handled it ourselves. It just would have.... Taken longer, is all."

Cyberpunk: Archangelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें