Chapter 2

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The Great Hall buzzed with anticipation as the first-year students filed in for the Sorting Ceremony. Regulus Black and Barty Crouch Jr., both draped in emerald green robes, exchanged glances from their positions in the Slytherin line. The shadows of the train compartment lingered in the corners of their minds, a connection waiting to be acknowledged.

As the Sorting Hat was placed upon his head, Regulus felt a surge of nervous energy. The hat hesitated for a moment before declaring, "Slytherin!" The green and silver table erupted in cheers, welcoming their newest member.

Barty, watching with a knowing smile, couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. When his turn came, the Sorting Hat wasted no time in proclaiming, "Slytherin!" The camaraderie of the house embraced him, and Barty took his place at the table, casting a glance toward Regulus.

During the feast that followed, Barty and Regulus found themselves seated near each other. The atmosphere in Slytherin was one of shared pride and ambition. As the conversation flowed around them, Barty turned to Regulus and grinned. "Names, Black. It's only fair we know each other's names now."

Regulus nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Regulus Black. And you?"

"Barty Crouch Jr.," he replied, his eyes glinting with a shared understanding born from the shadows of the train.

Their connection deepened as they discussed their families, ambitions, and the expectations that hung over their heads like a dark cloud. The more they spoke, the more they realized how similar their struggles were, woven into the fabric of their respective backgrounds.

As the feast continued, a dark-haired boy with a sharp gaze approached their table. Evan Rosier, a fellow Slytherin, greeted them with a nod. "Crouch, Black, welcome to Slytherin. I've heard interesting things about both of you."

Barty smirked, acknowledging the unspoken layers of meaning in Evan's words. "Likewise, Rosier. Interesting is one way to put it."

Regulus, though reserved, found a certain comfort in the company of his new housemates. Little did they know, this chance meeting in Slytherin marked the beginning of an alliance that would be tested by the trials of their intertwined destinies. The shadows in the Great Hall whispered of shared secrets and a slow burn of emotions that would shape the course of their lives at Hogwarts and beyond.


The Slytherin common room buzzed with activity as the first-years were led to their dormitories. Regulus, Barty, and Evan found themselves sharing a bedroom, a twist of fate that would bind their lives together for the next seven years.

Barty flopped onto the nearest bed, his casual demeanor in stark contrast to the grandeur of the Slytherin common room. "Well, this is our humble abode. Get used to it, mates."

Evan chuckled, taking a seat on his own bed. "Not bad. We've got a good view of the lake from here."

Regulus, still adjusting to the idea of sharing a room with near strangers, stood near the window. "So, what's the plan now?"

Barty shot him a sly grin. "The plan is to get to know each other. Secrets are for enemies, not roommates."

Evan raised an eyebrow. "Roommates or not, I'm not spilling my life story on the first night."

Regulus nodded in agreement. "Fair enough. Let's start with something simple. Favorite subject at Hogwarts?"

Barty laughed. "Defense Against the Dark Arts, hands down. Love me some practical magic."

Evan smirked. "Charms, for me. Nothing beats the satisfaction of a well-executed spell."

Regulus thought for a moment. "I've always been intrigued by Potions. It requires precision and skill."

As the conversation flowed, the room filled with snippets of laughter and shared stories. They talked about their families, their dreams, and the quirks that made each of them unique. Barty, with his irreverent humor, and Evan, with his pragmatic outlook, created a dynamic that complemented Regulus's reserved nature.

As the night wore on, they discovered common ground in unexpected places. Shared interests and shared aspirations formed the foundation of a friendship that promised to withstand the tests of time. They fell into an easy camaraderie, the boundaries between them blurring with every exchanged word.

Little did they know, this night marked the beginning of a bond that would extend far beyond the walls of their Slytherin bedroom. The shadows cast by the dim candlelight witnessed the birth of a friendship-a slow burn of emotions that would navigate the twists and turns of their Hogwarts journey.

Should I continue this-?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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