Chapter 2: Thief Vs Assassin

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You swiftly lunged the knife at him, but missed. He was fast, really fast as a matter of fact. " Face it, daring, you're playing with dangerous fire." Ezio dodged at every attack you threw at him, it was like, he knew every move you had in your book of tricks. You were huffing and puffing, trying to catch your breath, you rested your hands on your knees, as swear poured down your red face. " How do you know, every move I use." You asked, placing your hands on your sweaty forehead. " I have seen you, steal from other men, and your tactics."

" Stalker." You muttered, under your breath along with some other curses. This time, you jumped right at him, punching, kicking and hitting any part of his body, but he managed to avoid some of your attacks. Your hair was messed up and all over the place, like a bird's nest. Your eyes soon became bloodshot, making your ugly side show, a bit more. " Remind me, why I even brother fighting you, witch! Ezio yelled out as he scanned your tiring figure. " I am not a witch, you bastard!" For ever attack you threw, there was also an insult that came out of his mouth.

 You soon found yourself too weary to even stand up, this cause Ezio to snort at you. He didn't even brother to go hard on you and stared at you clutching the pouch of money. " You have been beaten, now give back my money." "Never." You held out his money and dropped it in the nearby lake. Your body, was bruised up with scratches and fist marks, it took you time to breath and made you unaware of what you have done.

" Are you serious, you even went as far as purposely drop my money in the lake."

" It was money you forcefully took from people too isn't it? How is it fair then?" But there was only silence, Ezio looked back in forth at you to only find you were right. Never in his life, has he had to go through this. " You are right.... the money does not belong to me." You stood there shocked, knowing that you were actually right. " I guess it doesn't give me right to steal from assassins....too" You fiddled with your fingers, trying to figure out what to say.

 " Do you want to call it a truce, or leave it as rivals." You asked curiously. He ignored you and started to chuckle. " What's so funny, huh? " If you had not noticed my dear, there were no coins in there to begin with, just pebbles." " What!?" You shot back angrily. " I had heard about you around the streets, about how skillful you are, and simply wanted to see for myself." He explained as he took out his real pouch of money, and tease-fully shakes it in your face, before walking off. After a few steps, he stopped and his last words were to you were, " I got a feeling, we will bump into each other soon." Then he bowed down and went back to walking off. As he moved further into the distance, you glanced back and forth at what just had happened.

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