The last great capitol dynasty- Chapter 2

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When Coriolanus' feet hit the pavement the cold winter wind whipped his face. The pain was the only feeling he could tolerate these days. He barely ate these days. The knots in his stomach from hunger reminded him of his old self. In just a thin coat for warmth the cold hit him to his core. He reached his hand into his pocket to touch the earring of Lucy Grays he had found that day. Twisting it between his fingers. The last piece of her. The only remaining piece of her. At least he hoped. He thought about his last day with her. The blur of it all. Had she run through those trees? Had he gotten her? Had she gotten away? The medic told him the snake most likely wasn't  venomous.

Most likely he scoffed. He tried to remember what the snake looked, he looked at many reference books. to get a real answer. Most of them only with animals in the Capitol. The district knowledge guides were even more scarce. With few and far between even having useful information.

What upset him most was his mothers scarf on the ground... one of his most prized possessions tossed to the dirt. These are what ran through his head from the moment he woke up until he would fall asleep. Most nights he would have nightmares. He would be back in 12. He would be the one in the hanging tree, but the worst of the dreams was when he saw her. She would be there. His biggest terror. That she would appear out of thin air.

He trudged through the slush from the snowfall. His mind was still racing so fast he almost missed the soft voice behind him. "Coriolanus?" The voice said. He turned to lock eyes with Atherea Ravinstill. The youngest of President Ravinstills children. Felix's younger sister, the Ravinstill baby. At just one year younger than him he had seen her around at the academy when he was attending. His classmates always talked about her like a prize to be won, not only for her beauty, or because of the notoriety from her legacy family, mostly it was for her intelligence, she was top of her class just as he was. Her high level of intelligence made Coriolanus respect her more than he did most people his age.

She excelled in sciences. Especially genetics, as a top classman in the academy. She had secured a spot in Dr. Gaul's internship that most upcoming graduating classmen couldn't secure. She could almost guarantee herself a highly distinguished career of her choice after graduation. "Hello Atherea." He said with a half smile. "I thought that was you Coriolanus. How have you been I haven't seen you since..." she trailed off.

Since Felix's funeral is what she was going to say. The death of her older brother, had left her as the only remaining Ravinstill child.The oldest two boys died during the war, then Felix during because of the bombing during the games. Leaving her as the only heir to the Ravinstill dynasty.

"I've been better since being home. Are you headed home?" It was close to dark, and she was still a ways away from home. "I was at the lab, I got caught up and lost track of time." She said with a nervous laugh. "I was trying to hurry before it got too dark but seemingly I've failed." He looked around. "Why didn't you call a car? I'm sure your father would have sent one." He asked Atherea. She shuffled back and forth on her feet for a moment. "He would have, but I love walking in the snow. It's quiet and peaceful. Makes it easier to think. Get my thoughts sorted out." He understood completely because that's exactly what he was doing. Coriolanus thought this was an opportune time to refurbish his once pristine reputation and regain the respect he had won over before.

"You know what, I was headed that way anyway. Do you mind if I walk with you?" He said courteously. She tried to hide the blood rushing to her cheeks. "It's really not that far-'' she started. Looking down at the ground digging the tip of her shoes in the snow. "Please, I insist." Coriolanus said. Atherea lifted her eyes meeting his gaze. "Thank you. I'm sure my father will be less agitated with me arriving home so late, knowing I didn't walk home alone...again."Again? He thought to himself. How often was she walking home alone as often as he had? He found a small level of comfort in their synchronicity. Two ships passing in the night, and tonight being the night the ships crossed paths.

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