Chapter 12: mall nightmare 3, summer camp pt 1

Start from the beginning

Katsuki huffs but nods at that, soon our food arrives. We say our thanks and start eating our food. As I'm enjoying my food, I see Izuku with a hooded guy... Katsuki noticed me looking through the widow and looks as well...

"Odd. Wait, is that pale blue hair?" I ask
"Yeah... it's fucking..." He says
"Tomura Shigaraki " we both say

He looks at me.

"Can you make something to hear their shitty conversation?" He asks

I nod, my eyes glow golden, and I look at them...

"It'd be all too easy. The second all five of my fingers touch your neck... your throat would start crumbling, from the skin inward. You'll turn to dust under a matter of a minute, " tomura states
"He fucking took Izuku hostage and threaten to kill him" I say to Katsuki
"The fuck!" He says
"Call the police" I say while I eat

He nods and does so. I keep listening to them and eat. what I'm not wasting food or money from this!

"In a crowd like this? Try that, and the heroes will show up. They'll come and catch you...." Izuku says
"No doubt. Take a look at them. It's not crazy to imagine that someone could commit an atrocity at any moment. So why do they smile and mingle like this? Because of laws and rules are built. They're convinced that no one would ever do that. In the time to catch me. I could take 20... no 30 of them out, " tomura says

I growl in anger. I feel a hand on mine. I look to see it's Katsuki.... I return my gaze to the two again...

"Seems like Izuku is playing along to protect the civilians..." I mutter out
".... now they're talking about the hero killer ideals and shit..." I say

We see tomura choking Izuku until Ochako returns, and Tomura runs away. We finish our food quickly and I pay it. We rush out with Katsuki still holding my hand...

"You okay?! We saw everything! We called the police." I say
"I'll be fine..." Izuku groaned out

I frown and look at Tomura retreating form. Soon, the police arrive. We answered the question, and most of us got an escort home. It's just izuku and me, since I heard everything and such. We got escorted to the police station for further questions.

"Oh, here's your ride. Miss Shigaraki, Aizawa said that you should stay with Mr Midoriya for the night. " Naomasa states

We see a short woman walk in, clearly close to tears...

"Mum!" Izuku says
"Izuku... enough already. Your old mum heart can't take it..." she says

I just stood there watching his mum crying while Izuku comforted her... is this what a mum is like?? After she calmed down, she faced me.

"Mum, this is (y/n) Shigaraki." Izuku says
"Nice to meet you ma'am..." I say
"Oh, nice to meet you as well. Come, let's get home." she says

During the car ride to their apartment, I'm in the back looking out of the window.

"I heard so much about you, sweetie! I also saw you during the sports festival!" She says
"Really? I hope it's all good?" I ask
"Very! Thank you for helping my son and being his friend." She says
"No problem, Ms Midoriya. " I say
"Please call me Inko, dear," she says

I nod and smile softly at her. She is so sweet...

Later that day, after dinner, that is, I simply lay on the sofa since they didn't have any more beds. Plus im stubborn as fuck... I sighing quietly... till my phone beeps. I pick it up quietly.

Katsuki: oi, apart from the fucking villain, I had fun on our date.

I blush a bit at that

Me: Yeah, same. Let's do it again soon. But let's focus on camp for now.
Katsuki: agreed. Also call me Katsuki, multibitch
Me: Sure... call me (y/n) or keep that nickname

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