Chapter 1: Rumours are true

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3rd pov

It's a beautiful day in Musutafu, Japan. Parents taking their kids to pre-school, other adults rushing to work, teenagers having fun on their way to school, heroes saving the day, quirkless people getting harassed by their peers, and a portal appearing above the busy city; releasing an unconscious figure before disappearing. Only a kid noticed these events.

"Mama, look someone falling" a  child says
"That's nice, sweetie... wait, what!" The mother shouts

She looks up and sees it as well. She screams, catching everyone's attention, and she points up. Everyone soon noticed the figure falling and started panicking and screaming as well. Some people are recording this for the media.

That's when the pro hero, Hawks, swoops in and catches the falling figure and flies back down to the civilians. Everyone cheers at this.

Hawks pov

When I caught the figure, I immediately noticed it's a she. So I quickly land and lay her down to then see her wearing a hero suit... well, a destroyed hero suit. She covered in injuries as well.

"Someone call for an ambulance!" I shouted

I see one person do it. I start calling ua to check this out at the hospital. Soon, the ambulance arrives and takes her into their care.

Hope she's doing okay....

Y/N pov

The first thing I hear is hospital machines... so I'm in a hospital... I slowly open my eyes but get blinded by the lights above me.

"Shit!" I shouted

I hear running. Crap, I said it extremely loudly... I sigh and slowly sit up to see bandages coving my arms... the door opens to show a nurse. I calm down, but then... nezu appears with all might and eraserhead. I jump out of bed and have my arms in a fighting position on guard.

"Hey, young one, calm down!" All might says
"Shut up, villain!" I say
"Vilain? We're heroes brat" eraserhead states codly
"Huh... but how...." I started saying

Soon, nezu and I realise what is happening. We both look at each other. My guard is still up, but I slowly lower my arms...

"Can we ask some questions? I think I have a theory, " nezu says
"Sure... I think I have the same theory...." I say

He nods, and they all sit on the spare chairs or leaning against the wall. While I took my bed. Everyone is silent for a moment. I notice all might texting someone, soon a detective appears... Naomasa Tsukauchi. I calm down at his appearance. This might have caught the 'heroes' attention slightly.

"When trying to ID you, we found an odd provisional license. L.O.H. care to explain?" eraserhead asks
"Huh oh. That's my provisional hero licence, L.O.H stands for League of Heroes, aka my school." I say

Naomasa nods, stating I'm telling the truth. This brought shock faces to the three. All might and eraserhead soon realise what me and nezu are thinking.

"Sir, it is possible that she from..
" all might  starts saying
"Most possibly... now tell me, what's your name, and your quirk?" Nezu asks
"... my name is (y/n) Shigaraki, and my quirk is one for one it let's the user upgrade, create, combine, and give quirks." I say

This made 3 of the 4 adults freeze in place. Naomasa slow nods, saying it's true.

"Who is your family?" All might asks quietly
"My dad is Akumu Shigaraki or the number one pro hero, All for one. I also have a big brother, Tenko Shigaraki-Shimura, aka number 2 pro hero, Urbandust" I say.
"What!" They all shouted
"Huh" I say in confusion
"Shigaraki... All for one, here is a number 1 villain..." Naomasa says
"And he doesn't have a daughter..." all might says
"Meaning... the rumours are true." Nezu says
"That I'm in a completely different universe... away from my family..." I mutter out

Everyone is silent at this, trying to think of what to do next.

"For now, she must go to ua for protection if this goes out. Which will most likely happen. Meaning, she will be in class 1A" nezu says
"Great... more brats" eraserhead sighs out

I pout not wanting to do first year again... but...

"Where am I going to live?" I ask
"... she can't live with all might, it'll lead with too much suspicion, plus she might hurt him" eraserhead says
"I.. I agree.." all might groans out
"That leaves you, Shota." nezu smirks out
"... shit" Eraserhead groans out

I just sat there as they laughed at him.

Not even a day later, the media found out that the rumours are true about me... so when I got out of the hospital,  eraserhead has to cover me to hide from the media all the way to his car.  During the drive to my new home, it is peaceful.

"Brat, when we get home, call me aizawa." He starts
"Yes, sir..." I says tiredly

He must have noticed and starts to drive a little faster. We soon arrive at his apartment. We both drag ourselves into his apartment. I see him looking around and throws a sleeping bag at me. I look at it in confusion.

"I haven't cleaned the spare room. So use that for now" He say

I just nod and get into it.

"Your school uniform will be here later in the week, a friend of mine will get you some clothes for your wardrobe" He explains
"Oh okay, thanks" I say

I see him look at me in his bright yellow sleeping bag. So I hop all the way to the sofa and fall on it face first. He soon joins me but face palming the floor after turning the lights off. We both mutter a good night before falling asleep.


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