Dinner for Breakfast

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The oven, the Greed-ler had set an alarm, and now it was going off. The Greed-ler had made bacon as a surprise. "Huh, what's that?" The Once-ler question.

The Greed-ler got off of his chair, and walked closer towards the oven. "It's bacon!" He said. After, pulling out a tray of bacon from the oven.

A sparkle appeared in Ted's eyes. He felt joy that he could eat the boring pancakes he would eat every day, but with bacon. He(Greed-ler) placed the tray on the center of the table. After that, he sat down, and went back to eating.

They all carved in. Trying to eat as much bacon as they could. "Hey! That piece is mine!" Jojo said, in an aggressive tone. As he slightly, grinds his teeth together.

"Um, No it's not!" Once-ler said. Eating the last bacon piece.

"Er, you fatass!" Jojo grunted, rolling his eyes. Ironically, the Once-ler was skinner than Jojo.

Jojo went back to eating the last few pieces of pancakes he had on his plate. Joho then lean back on his chair, as he glared at the Once-ler. "Wait, a minute! Where the fuck are Rui and Tsaska!?" Greed-ler hollered.

"I don't know," Ted said. Looking at the Greed-ler.

"Oh, well, they could starve if they want." Greed-ler said, going back to eating his dinner.

"Yeah," everyone else said, before going back to eating their delicious dinner. Not caring at all.


Meanwhile, Rui and Tsaska

"Mmm, I'm so glad you found this place, Rui!" Tsukasa said. Eating a cheesecake /w strawberries and strawberry syrup.

"You're welcome!" Rui replied, with a broad grin across his face. "Oh Dear, you have something on your face. Here let me get it off of you." Rui then grabbed a napkin, and started to remove the crumbs off of Tsukasa's face.

"I love you,"

"I love you, too."

"Here have some of my cake." Tsukasa dug his spoon into the cheesecake.

Just before, he fed it to Rui. "Mmh, it tastes so sweet!" Rui said, after chewing the slice of cake.

Now, anyways let's go back to the underground brothel. That's underground.


Everyone had already finished eating, so the Greed-ler decided to make Ted wash the dishes. "Ted go wash the dishes." Greed-ler said. As he got up from the table, and passed Ted his plate.

"Yes, sir." Ted said, looking at the sink. As he held the plate, Greed-ler gave him .

"Okay, good." Greed-ler said, "I'll be in my office." Yes, the Greed-ler did in fact have multiple offices. One upstairs, and one in the basement (or in the brothel/whorehouse).

But, just as when Ted barely started to wash the dishes somebody walked in from the front door. This anonymous boy looked almost exactly like the Greed-ler except more younger, and shorter. And, instead of wearing a green suit, he wore a black suit. Ted felt his face heating up, as he smiled like an idiot. He felt tingling in his stomach.

Ted then soon snapped out of it, and remembered what he had to do. He had to wash the dishes. "GRANDDAD! MUM said that you have to take me to Huhot!" Shouted the mysterious boy.

Wait, Granddad? Does that mean the boy is the Greed-ler's grandson? Ted felt shocked, he had never expected that the Greed-ler had a Grandson, or any family in general. "NOOO, I'M NOT TAKING YOU!" Greed-ler shouted, from his office. "YOU went last week anyway!"

Ted continued to wash the dishes as he stared at the plates, and then at the boy. "What are you looking at? Do you have a staring problem, or something?"

"Um, n-no." Ted, replied back.

Ted then, quickly went back to washing the dishes. He tilted his head down, in an attempt to hide his face. A few seconds later, Ted straighten up his posture, as he turn his head to look at the boy. His eyes followed the boy, as he walked closer to Greed-ler's office. Until the boy was unseen, Ted went back to continue washing the dishes.

With Ted's excellent hearing (he has cat ears), he overheard the conversation between the two of them. "Theodore, what are you doing here?" Question, the Greed-ler. As he angled his eyebrows. He seems more concern, than upset.

To be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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