/I am sorry,/ Gabrielle piped up, her French language rolling off her tongue as she looked to Harry, /I am afraid that I do not understand you Captain: where can we get answers in this school?/

"Somewhere that's not in this school," Harry answered, his eyes on each of the Knights as he noticed they all appeared to understand her foreign language, "Somewhere where the answers will be available and we'll be able to talk more without fear of being overheard: and don't worry," he then added, smiling at the little girl that was almost…cute in his eyes, like she was his sister. "I get the feeling that everyone here understood what you just said, so if you need to speak French, then do so: we'll still understand you."

"Thank you 'Arry," Fleur smiled, Harry then aware of Sebastian and Dante becoming uncomfortable in their seats, not to mention Sirius actually looking like he was about to go catatonic.

"Looks like not all of us are immune to the Allure," Harry laughed, Remus now shaking his head: it was actually thanks to his wolf half that he was immune while he knew that, because of the powers of the Knights, not to mention their soul bond, Harry, Hermione, Neville and Luna only had eyes for their other halves. Clearing his throat, Harry continued, "For the rest of the day, we just need to relax: according to the notice posted around school, the Naming Ceremony will take place at 9pm, so, if nobody minds, there's a rather special bit of business that I need to tend to and, as much as I want to do otherwise, I'd like to leave the school for the afternoon."

Without saying another word, Lily rose from her seat, moved around the table and placed a light hand on her son's shoulder, a part of her in agreement with his suggestion: all day, Dumbledore had been getting on her nerves, asking questions about Harry's lineage and how she, as his Mother, could just stand there and let him do this. The business that Harry needed – though she also suspected that he wanted to do it – to do was a way for the future to be set in stone for the Lord of Hogwarts.

"Say no more Harry," Neville finally spoke up, looking to Sirius and Remus as he added, "I don't think anyone here would argue against the Lord and owner of this school leaving the grounds."

"Of course we wouldn't," Remus told him, nodding to Harry and Lily as he explained, "You two, or three if Hermione wishes to go with you, get yourselves off and the rest of us will keep an eye on things here."

"Thank you Remy," Harry smiled, now rising from his seat as if he were in Council with the Lords of Nature, "Then for now, let's say no more about this mystery: oh, and Fleur?"

"Yes 'Arry?" asked the newly-recognised Knight of Earth.

"Good luck for tonight."


Remus' words proved true: no sooner had Lily told the Headmistress that they needed to be off campus for a little while than she, Harry and Hermione found themselves travelling by Side-Along Apparition to the main gate of Harry's family home of Albion House. Standing there, a mild autumn chill gave Harry a shiver that made him feel worse than any loss or nightmare could manage: taking the hand of his Queen, he smiled before he asked, "Would you give Mum and me a few moments alone Mione?"

"Of course I will," answered Hermione, now nodding to the house behind them, "No doubt Mum and Dad will be home so, if it's okay with you, I'll wait for you inside."

Lily just nodded in agreement as Hermione turned and made her way up the garden path, Harry now moving with his Mother through to the graveyard: as they walked, Harry lifted his hand, the familiar mists of the Void rising around them; as they took each step, Harry poured power into the Void, creating a strip of red, blue and silver lights that were like fairy-light candles floating on the air, lighting the way towards their destination. Seeing the power in her son, Lily clasped Harry's free hand as she whispered, "When we get back, remind me to award Gryffindor points for such an amazing display of Illusionism."

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