Part 2

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The clock on my dresser reads 5:01. Stephen let me out of work early so I could go and get a nice outfit to wear to the premiere. My hair and makeup would have to do. Soft ringlets and light makeup. I kept it simple. Since there was no information about the movie or anyone on the list of actors I recognized I didn't know what to do. I wore a simple pale pink top and jeans with a light scarf draped over my shoulders.

I wore a pearl ring on my index finger, a gift from my mother, and a pair of Converse. White of course, as not to stand out too much. I wanted to wear black but if there were going to be photographers there I didn't want to look too underdressed. Hopefully one of the security guards at the theatre would sneak me into the backway to avoid the circus.

I hear the horn outside my apartment and grab my notebook and pen. I decided to leave the cellular device behind. I had no idea how to use it and I had nobody I needed to call on for anything. I grabbed my clutch bag which housed some lip balm and a spare pen.

The job was simple. Go to the premiere, watch the movie, talk to the actors afterward and then try and come up with something witty and clever to talk about it.

Lord, please give me something good to come out of this night.

"Here's where you get out miss." The cab driver spoke.

"Oh no, I'm going to a premiere." I corrected him. He's stopped us outside a train station.

"You gotta get a train there."

I scoff. "Seriously?" I grab my purse and storm out of the car. The driver rolls his window down.

"I'm sorry Miss." He says. "Show the conductor your ticket and he'll give you the right train." I nod and thank him.

"Thanks. Have a good night." I tell him as I go look for my platform.

The train conductor directs me to a train covered in flowers and vines. Wow. They went all out for this.

There are actors dressed as porters and in safari clothing singing and dancing on the train.

I grab a seat at the back and start taking notes.

I have no idea who's on this train or where we're going, but so far it was actually looking up now. I enjoyed the ride there. It was actually fun.

I had to tip the security guard $25 to sneak me in the back to avoid the red carpet. The venue was kept secret from me despite the fact I was assigned to go there. It was all in all about an hour to get to the venue.

The San Diego Zoo.

Kinda liked the fact that they turned the venue into a movie premiere with the wildlife around us. That gets a tick.

I didn't see any posters of the movie anywhere, I guess they thought it might cheapen it. But seeing as it was just some kids' movie, I wondered why nothing was advertising it.

I noticed the blonde woman who plays the love interest in the movie was wearing a dress the same color as my top. Crap. I had to wear pale pink right? If it wasn't for my chestnut curls, someone might have confused us. I had a similar figure to her, although she looked like she lived off raw fruit, dairy-free milk, and workouts. I preferred hot salads, bread, and full-fat milk. Sometimes semi-skimmed.

I was walking with my head down in the only indoor area of the venue, my notepad hand working hard when suddenly I bumped into a wall. Typical.

Looking up I notice it's the bathroom, I walk in acting as if I meant to do that, but I hear someone laughing not far from me. A man's voice.

Typical. What an ass.

When I get inside there's nobody in the 5 cubicle room and I quickly check my makeup. To make matters worse, I got a big ass bruise coming on my forehead from where I slammed into the door. Fuck! Can this night get any worse?

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