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The planets looked around, confused as to where they are. One minute, they were just having some fun, the next, they were all in some sort of red void.

Venus: "What the, where the hell are we..?"

Suddenly, a weird icosahedrom floats by, passing in front of them.

Mars: "What the hell... What is that?!"

The icosahedron then stops spinning, as if it heard them.

"Oh, hello, I didn't expect to see someone here."

"This is meant to be a simulation, I don't know how you guys ended up here."

Earth: "Simulation?! What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Well, you see..."

"Life is like a fire sparked by chance lightning."

Mars: "Alright. But how does that relate to why we're here?"

"In the right conditions, it could catch light and spread, or smolder, and extinguish."

Earth: "Okay yeah I know that. But HOW DID WE GET HERE?!"

Semblance then suddenly dissappears, and a model of the Sun appears.

Mercury: "Where the fuck did she go?"

Sun: "Hey look! It's me!"

"One day, this Sun will die."

Mars: "Oh we already know about that stuff. Just get on with what you're trying to say!"

The model of the Sun rapidly expands and turns red.

"Must our flame go out, too?"

"Or can we send out embers to the cosmos, where terrestrial life can burn anew?"

Venus: "Wait, we're not alone in this universe?"

A/N: One of my headcannons is Earth knows a lot about insterstellar stuff but prefers to keep it to himself to avoid being labelled as crazy.

"Yes. That is why I created this simulation, so that I can explore the possibility."

"Shall we begin?"


The planets decide to press the button, as it's the only way of them possibly getting out of the simulation.

"Thank you."

Semblance then zooms quick, bringing them along with her.

Venus: "Woah, shit! Slow down!"

To be continued....

Thank you so much for reading this remake of my story!

SolarBalls ShenanigansTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon