Had it not been for her brother Prince Aemond's interference Nadia was certain that Viserra would have ordered her execution. 

Nadia shivered slightly at the thought. Perhaps coming to the Keep wasn't the best idea. She'd been missing her mother for a while now. Servants were not permitted to use the ravenry unless it was to receive or send correspondence for a royal so she couldn't even send a letter home. 

Driftmark was a simpler time for Nadia, morning working in the kitchens tired her so much she did not have to capacity for anything else. Although Nadia would always run whenever she saw Princess Rhaenys. She was quite the fearsome woman. But still. Being in the Red Keep seemed grand and lovely but really it was so frightening. 

If a girl wasn't scared of being harassed by one royal than she was being threatened by another or worse. There was no reprieve for the lower born in King's Landing. Nadia had seen the state of the city outside the manned walls of the castle and she had been quite disgusted. Sure, her people were often messy and chaotic but never so in shambles as the city, particularly Flea Bottom were. 

Nadia stopped her line of thought as she tried to focus on the dark staircases leading to the Tower of the Hand. 

"Ser." she called softly the knight turned to her momentarily "What exactly am I being summoned for?" she asked, the fear apparent in her tone. The knight shrugged and smirked as if she had said something funny. 

"I am not privy to the Hand's choices girl. Thought I suspect it may have something to do with your incident with Princess Viserra."

Oh gods. Nadia thought. I am truly fucked. 

Despite Viserra being the one to threaten her and try to attack her with a knife the blame undoubtedly rested on Nadia. Of course it would. Viserra was a Princess, and Nadia was nothing more than a common servant. Why in the seven hells did she think she could ever be friends with Viserra? 

The reached the top eventually and the knight escorted her into the vast chambers. The Tower of the Hand was not what Nadia had expected. It was large and opulent with a fireplace burning and candle light flickering throughout the room. Nadia found Otto Hightower seated at an opaque wooden table, eyes facing the fire, lost in some sort of trance. 

Ser Criston cleared his throat causing the Hand to snap towards them "Ah yes" he muttered under his breath which Nadia could not help but hear. 

"My Lord Hand, I brought the maid" the knight declared. Nadia did not like him at all, he was condescending and rude. 

"Yes I see that. Thank you Ser Criston, you may wait outside". The guard took his leave and shut the door behind him with a click that seemed to echo through the room making Nadia flinch. 

For a minute it was silent and Nadia looked about the room, trying to find any means of escape. 

"Fascinating isn't it?" the Hand said. "Um, what is Han- my lord?" she asked wincing at her inexperience. Gods she must've sounded so stupid. 

"What a few titles can get in this world." he said looking around the room. Nadia said nothing to that. She assumed that the Hand expected a clever sort of response but she just stayed silent. 

"Now I'm sure you must be confused as to why I've summoned you here" he began but the rising anxiety in Nadia forced her to speak. 

"Is this about Viserra?" Nadia asked her voice breaking at the last word as the Hand towered over her. 

"Yes" the Hand said venomously "Princess Viserra was incredibly distraught after you lost her dragon and you-"

"With all due respect my lord" she interrupted quickly already fearing for her life "I did not lose the dragon."

The Dragon and the Rose // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now