Taigen Watches

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"Go on, girls! Give this dying man one last hard-on."

Akemi shrinks under Heiji Shindo's annoying voice. The second woman remains standing tall with her eyes downcast and her long hair obscuring part of her face. They must have been touched and roughed around in front of the white devil before being cast aside.

Akemi reaches trembling hands toward me, but they drop the instant Heiji Shindo snaps, "don't touch the prisoner. Touch each other. Give me a show! Or should I dispose of you rotten whores now?"

Akemi lets out a sob and shrinks in on herself. But then a whisper catches my attention. "It's okay. I told you I would protect you."

My blurry gaze goes to the other prostitute. She's on Akemi's side? Does she know? Are they friends? How long has Akemi been following me? Been disguised as a whore?

Heiji Shindo interrupts with another snap of his voice. "No whispering! Kiss. Now."

My gaze snaps back to Akemi. I wonder if she knows I'm not in love with her. That she's kind and smart and powerful, and that's all. By the way she looks at me with panic etching her features, I think not. I hope she didn't come all this way for me.

Her gaze drops to the floor. "I'm sorry," she breathes.

The next second, she steps toward the other woman in a blue uchikake.

"It's okay," the other one breathes back.

My vision swims and my heart pounds with strange emotions as I watch Akemi rise on her toes to kiss the woman. I'm surprised to find no jealousy. Akemi was supposed to be mine. But now I don't want her. Now I don't know what I want. If I survive, that is.
I don't hide my gaze as I watch my lover kiss another woman. Instead, I watch Heiji Shindo. He stares slack jawed at the women with unbridled glee.

"Kiss harder," he urges.

To my utter surprise, the two women deepen the kiss without hesitation. Their mouths work against each other, smearing the pigments on their skin. Akemi's hand raises to the other's neck and pulls her down. Their uchikake pressed against each other, their bodies mold before my blurry eye.

This is wrong. Dishonorable. I should close my eyes. Instead, my mind wanders to strange places. I don't want Akemi like I used to. Like the stolen time she shared her body with me. But seeing her kiss another is awakening my mind. The pain in my body moves over for desire.

But Heiji Shindo mustn't know I know Akemi. I cannot fold. I cannot speak. The sloppy sound of kissing is interrupted by a soft sigh from Akemi as her lips leave the other whore and travel down her elegant long neck.

Mizu has a long, elegant neck. I shake that strange thought away. My mind is slipping through pain and desire and confusion.

Heiji Shindo's nasally voice is the only thing that breaks through. "Take the tall one's uchikake off! Her breasts are tiny. Like bug bites. Such an ugly whore. Right, Taigen?"

My gaze lifts from the women to Heiji Shindo on his throne. Such a puny man. Dishonorable and deplorable. But am I any better? Because yes, her breasts are nonexistent. And I were looking for women to fuck, I would skip her without thought. Not that she isn't beautiful from what I can see, but unassuming.

"Right, Taigen?" he repeats with a condescending tone.

All I can do is grunt through my dry throat. My lips are broken and barely held together by dried blood. Any real speaking will reopen the cuts. I see the blurred form of the woman in blue step away from the other. Her face remains down-turned and partially shielded by her hair. Akemi gasps and pants and gazes at her counterpart in horror.

Taigen Watches: One Shot (Mizu/Akemi/Taigen)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora