chapter thirty-two

Start from the beginning

"how are you not upset about that?"

"he looked really sexy doing it, i can't complain." i shrug.

"okay... that's fair i guess." she laughs. "okay, what else?"

"well last night, we talked. like... he asked me how my day was, i asked him how his day was. of course we had sex in between. but then afterwards, he fed me and we talked for a few more hours before he took me home."

"soomin." she looks at me with raised eyebrows.


"he likes you."

"you don't know that." i wave her off.

"oh one hundred percent. it's not just sex to him, at least, not anymore." she smirks.

"but, that's all we do. he's not asked me on a date or anything like that. it's just sex." i shake my head.

"and sharing clothes, deep talks, and food..." she adds with a smirk.

"he's just being nice."

"why are you in denial? isn't this what you wanted?" she furrows her brows.

"i just... if it was true, wouldn't he try asking me out? talking to me during the day? something?"

"well, have you considered that maybe he has the same fear as you?"

"what do you mean?" i furrow my brows.

"afraid that if he confesses, you won't feel the same way. and that the amazing sex would stop." she shrugs.

"i really don't think so... besides, chan knows i like him, changbin knows i like him, and so does soobin. chan is his best friend, i feel like if that was the case he would have talked to chan about it, and chan would encourage him, since he knows of my feelings."

"i think you're giving him too much credit." she laughs. "he's a man. men don't pour out their hearts to people like we do."

"that's a terrible generalization." i roll my eyes at her.

"you'll never know unless you try."

"i'm not risking it." i shake my head.

"okay, but you know if you get involved with seungmin, the sex will stop anyways. so what do you really have to lose?"

"well nothing is going on with seungmin yet. i don't even know if anything will come of it. and if it doesn't, then what? i'm left with nothing." i pout.

"okay now you're sounding selfish. you could potentially be leading two men on." she scolds.

"minho can end it just as easily as i can. and seungmin can't dictate my sex life. i don't have to be exclusive with someone i'm not with yet." i defend.

"i think your window of opportunity is closing. from the small interaction i've had with minho, he's very mature. i don't know if he'll wait around for you."

"i don't think he's even waiting for me."

"whatever you say." she sighs, rolling her eyes.

"can we talk about something else?"

"where are you going with seungmin?" she asks. i groan. "what? it's a different topic technically." she laughs.

"i don't know, he's taking me to lunch after class." i shrug.

"lunch? classy. he's trying to be a gentleman." he chuckles.

"what?" i laugh with her.

"when a guy takes you to lunch, he's testing the waters, being a gentleman. depending on how it goes, he'll ask you to dinner another time. and when you get asked to dinner, that's when he's planning to fuck you." she explains.

"is that what they teach you over there in america?" i joke.

"yes. i have a minor in menology." we burst into laughter at that.

"you're something else." i say, clutching my stomach.

"but i'm right, you'll see when you suddenly find yourself naked in his bed after a nice dinner-"

"kara!" i scold, lightly slapping her arm.

"you'll see~" she continues her teasing. i only roll my eyes, holding back laughter as i take a sip of my drink.

tension // lee minho ✔️Where stories live. Discover now