"Thank you for today, Bucky. I appreciate your openness. I know it was difficult, but you've done very well." I inform him.

He smiles at my words but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Thanks doc."

"Take it easy, okay? You've done enough today."

We both stand up out of our chairs and I move to my desk.

"What time's the movie?" he asks, softly.

I stop fiddling with my notes and look up at him, still standing by the couch. "Six-thirty." I answer.

"Pick you up at six?"

A warm smile spreads across my face. "That'd be nice." I reply.

"See you then."

I nod. "Have a good week, Bucky."

"You too."

He leaves, closing the door behind him.

I sit at my desk and complete todays session summary, my brain conveniently blocking out the fact I made a date with a client, during a session.

Saturday evening finally rolls around, after a long week, and there's a knock on my door, right on six o'clock.

"Hi." Bucky greets me with a smile when I open my door.

"Hey you." I smile back. I've missed him.

We take in each others appearances.

"You look nice." Bucky comments and I try not to blush.

"So do you."

He's looking suave in all black. He usually wears the black jeans and shirt, but he's sporting a different jacket tonight. This one's a nice leather one, matching his leather gloves.

I myself, am wearing white high waisted dress pants, a white turtle neck and a brown leather blazer.

"Ready to go?" Bucky asks.

"Yeah! Just gotta grab my keys and phone." I pocket my phone and collect my keys from the kitchen bench and exit my apartment.

Both of us more than happy to walk, we take the twenty minute journey, arriving at the cinema with ten minutes to spare.

We go all out, buying a bucket of popcorn, two large drinks, a packet of whoppers and icecreams.

I want him to have the full cinema experience.

We take our seats in the middle of the cinema and settle in.

"I saw this movie when I was scrolling through Netflix the other night." Bucky says to me.

"You didn't watch it, did you?" I say, playfully narrowing my eyes at him.

"No." he says with a chuckle.

"Good. This movie deserves a cinema screen, rather than a tv screen."

"That good, huh?"

"This movie is an absolute classic and a revolution of cinema for its time." I gush. "I'm excited to watch it with somebody who hasn't seen it."

The rest of the seats slowly fill up around us and soon the lights are dimming and the adds start to roll. We chat quietly to each other until the movie begins.

I frequently look over at Bucky during the film, watching his reactions to all the dinosaurs, when they finally make an appearance.

He looks at me in amazement when the T-Rex shows up and I grin at him.

Wolf Like Me • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now