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Emily woke up to the sound of her mom banging on her bedroom door. Yelling at her that it was time to get up for school. Despite her being 17, her mom was still on her case all the time about being up for school on time. She yawns half asleep trying to wake herself up. She finally gets up out of bed and starts getting ready for school. She puts on her "My Chemical Romance" T-shirt, and her ripped skinny jeans. She also puts on her dark red high top converse that her friends wrote all over. Along with many bracelets with band names. "Paramore" "Black Veil Brides" "Fall Out Boy" "Panic! at the Disco" and a few more with bands or artists similar  to those. She goes up to the bathroom to start doing her hair and makeup. Putting on some thick black eyeliner along with some dark red eyeshadow under her eyes. Finishing her look off with some black tinted lip gloss. After finishing her makeup she starts with her hair. Frizzing it and teasing it with a comb before brushing it into a fringe and spraying on a shit tone of hair spray. Her slightly faded pink hair covering one of her eyes.

She quickly went downstairs to eat a bowl of cereal. She usually liked to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch but since they had run out the day before she had to eat Lucky Charms. After finishing her bowl of cereal she rinsed out her bowl and put it in the sink before checking her phone for the time. "7:30am" She turned off her phone and headed to where her mom was to say goodbye. "Hey mom, I'm heading out! I love you, have a good day at work, bye!" She started to go back down the stairs. "Bye Hun! Have a good day at school, I love you too!" Emily slipped out the front door and sat down on her porch. She turns on her phone and checks the time again. "7:36am" She turns off her phone again and looks at the road. She sat there waiting for her boyfriend, Mike. He picked her up everyday at 7:40 for school. Mike looked like your everyday punk guy. He wore crust pants everyday with random T-shirts. And he had long black hair he would sometimes put into spikes. But he was a sweet guy, he really cared about Emily. He liked her friends too.

He finally pulls up to Emily's driveway in his old truck. Emily runs over and pulls the passenger door open and climbs in. After she gets in the truck, Mike and Emily kiss before he starts to drive away from her house. "How was your morning love?" He asks Emily while still looking at the road. "It was okay, I'm still tired though, how was yours?" Emily yawns and smiles while talking, and waits for Mike to respond. "It was okay, but now that we are far enough away from your house" Mike pauses and pulls out two joints. "Wanna smoke?" Emily laughs. "After we pick up Luna, you know this." Mike laughs, "I know, I was just saying, and I brought cologne."

Luna was Emily's best friend. Mike and Emily were seniors, and they had been dating since their sophomore year. Luna was a sophomore, she had just moved to Cryptville that year. One of the first people she had met at school was Emily. Having almost the same style and interests, and hobbies, Emily and Luna became inseparable. Mike also thought she was pretty cool. They got to Luna's house to pick her up at 7:50, when they got there Luna was walking out of her house. She was wearing a black corset top, a black skirt with a chain, fishnets, and a pair of platforms. She had a few bracelets on and a cross necklace. Which is ironic because she's not religious. Her shoulder length purple hair was up in a half up half down style, and her face was pale. But also glittery for the gothic makeup, but with pretty thick purple eyeliner around her eyes. Luna had always been very good at makeup.

Luna got up into the back seat of the truck and Mike started to drive away. "Luna! Do you wanna smoke before school? Mike brought cologne." Emily says with excitement in her voice, looking back at Luna. "Fuck yeah! You know I do!" Luna responds without a second thought. Mike continues to drive down the road before pulling into the park and stopping so they can smoke. They smoke the town joints that they had and talk for a while. Evenchally having to head into school. At around 8:10 Mike started driving there and everyone was spraying cologne on themselves. By the time they went into school they didn't smell like weed at all.

School was the same as always. Yeah they were weird kids, so you would think they would have a tough time. But how weird could you be in a town named Cryptville with a forest covering no man's land? Everything and everyone is fucking weird. Plus everyone was too busy worrying about their own safety half the time to be sticking their nose in their business. So they made it work. The town didn't really freak them out either.

After school all three of them met up at Mike's Truck, "You're both coming over to my place, right?" Emily asks them. "That's the plan isn't it?" Luna responds before they all got into the truck and headed over to Emily's house. They all chill in Emily's and room and hit the new cart that she had just gotten at school the same day.

They were all talking to each other and Luna started to bring something up "So, Emily, did I tell you about the girl I'm talking too? Kaylee?" Emily shakes her head no. "Well I met her on Instagram, and she lives here too. Just like me she wants to get the hell out of here when she turns 18, and she wants to meet me in the woods tonight!" Luna ends with excitement but her expression changed when she saw the look on Emily's face. "What?" She asks her. "The forest, Luna? Alone?" Emily says to her. Luna rolls her eyes and sighs. "Y'know Em, it's not that easy. You know how this town is about gay people. I know you're bi, but you got lucky and found this hotty in your sophomore year. I don't have many options." Emily sighed, knowing this was true. This town hated gay kids. So often they would meet up in the forest. Because no one dated to go in there. "I know you're right Luna, but please be careful! And text me when you get there, and when you leave, and keep your location on!" Emily says to her. "Okay, fine mom." Luna says giggling at her. "I'm being serious Luna! This is the time of year when someone usually goes missing, and I don't want it to be you!" Emily starts yelling at her. "Okay Em, I will. I promise, okay?" Luna says back to her calmly. "Okay."

Soon after this conversation Mike had to take Luna home before going home himself. After getting out of the car she did not go into the house but straight onto her bike. She headed to the forest and Kaylee texted her she was waiting for her by the river.

She turned on her location for Emily, and then Emily called her. "What's up, Em?" She answered the phone in a whispery voice. "Hey! You're there right? I just wanted to say be safe and I love you!" Emily responds, clearly worried. "I will be, and I love you too, now I gotta go, bye." Luna hangs up the phone. Emily checks her location and she is going into the forest. She continues to watch until she stops at the river. Over the next two hours she got no text or call from Luna. She also wasn't answering. Her location said she was still at the river but it had been a long time. Emily went to bed that night worried sick. Trying to think of anything else that could've happened. Like maybe she just lost her phone. Her location was never updated, and Emily had the worst feeling ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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