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The drinks were definitely flowing. I don't think that I can remember how to get home, but that will be a problem for me later on in the night. The music was pounding through my head. My body was floating along and all I could look at was him. The weird feeling came up in my stomach once again, but as usual I would press it down and continue without a second thought. "O."I felt an arm around my waist. "What?"I laughed as I spun around to look him in the eyes. "You were staring again."Logan put his hand on my cheek. "I was not."I said. Logan shook his head laughing. "Wanna dance?"he smiled. "Only if you can beat me at a dance battle."I said. Logan smiled from ear to ear. "You know that I am a better dancer than you are."my eyes widened. "Bullshit."I said. "Oh you are so on."he said. Logan grabbed my hand. "What are you guys doing?"Arthur laughed as we stood next to him. "A dance battle."People were moving out of our way. Logan and I were taking a lot of room on the dance floor. The DJ knew what was going on and switched songs; not knowing that it was the song that me and Logan had a dance routine for. "You know what to do."he smiled. "100%"I smiled. Logan and I started dancing our routine. It was something we made while we were quite drunk, but actually remembered it. My body started moving to the beat and I had the biggest smile on my face that you could imagine. In the corner of my eye, I saw him staring but I couldn't care. I was having the best time of my life.The last notes of the song were played and the dance was over. "That was amazing!"I yelled enthusiastically. I jumped into the arms of Logan. Logan hugged me tightly before putting me back down on the ground. "Lets get a drink."he smiled. I nodded my head and walked with Logan to the bar. "You guys were amazing!"I turned around and Carla was standing beside me. "Thank you."I smiled. "This is the best time I've had in a while."I said. "It was showing."she smiled. "You also want a drink?"I asked her. Carla nodded and pointed back at the group. "L, get everyone a drink please?"I asked Logan. He looked back at me doubting but smiled when I looked him in the eyes. As the bartenders were giving us the drinks, Carla took a few drinks back to the others. I waited for the other drinks so that Logan and I could go back together. "You waited."He said. "Ofcourse."I smiled. I grabbed a few of the drinks and walked towards the group. "I say that we need to cheer for that dance!"Oscar smiled.

"That was fucking brilliant."he smiled. "Cheers to us!"I yelled and took one of the shots from the tray. "I think it is time for us to go back home."Arthur said to Carla. "That means we all have to go back home."I pouted. "What do you mean?"Arthur asked. "We all came in the limo, if you guys wanna head back. We would have to go with you."I answered. "We could get a taxi."Logan suggested. "I think that we are also heading back."Lily looked at Oscar.

"Shit man."I pouted. "That still doesn't mean that we have to go Liv."Logan said. I looked at him and began to smile big. "See you later losers!"I yelled and took another shot. "Olive."Arthur walked towards me and grabbed my hand. "I'll be fine."I said. "You don't look fine."I shrugged it off of me. "Logan will take great care of me, and if I can't get into the house I will sleep on the street."I said. Arthur let go of my hand and looked at Logan. "I will make sure she does not sleep on the street."he said. In the mean time, I walked towards Oscar and Lily to say goodbye, before they made their way to the limo. "Bye Carla."I hugged her tightly before letting go. "Do I get a hug?"Arthur asked. "You always do."I smiled.

Arthur pulled me into a hug and held on tightly for a few seconds. "Be safe."he said.

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