Start from the beginning

Lilly took the assignment seriously, looking from every perspective to see which one is right. When she was finally satisfied, she made a couple of photos and watched the couple with a content smile upon their faces. Arms around each other, Jack's chin resting on Gabbie's brown locks — the pair looked nothing but happy. Something Lillian admired about the two. She hadn't seen them fight once since their road trip and she longed to look so happy, to have another halve.

And not so far away, was Zach watching the scene unfold, wishing the same thing. He couldn't imagine it being with Kay anymore, and he wanted to curse himself for thinking how it would be with Lilly. If he felt so safe with her as a friend, how would she make him feel when they were more than just that?

Did he dare to take that chance? Maybe that is worth losing their friendship for. If that meant he could finally be happy with someone he truly likes.


Time went by and it seemed like the day had gone through all its hours when the group had turned back safely to their 'homes'.

Exhausted and hungry, the five bus-mates collapsed on the couches, having just said goodbye to the rest of the group. They had some time before they would search a place to eat.

Zach had slowly turned back into his usual self and he was admiring Lillian's gallery full with pictures of nature. A smile curved his lips as he listened to her stories, knowing he was on the same trip and all those adventures were way too exaggerated. He would have seen it if a bunny was choosing the prefect flower to propose to his girlfriend (the photo of the bunny sniffing a flower) — but he chose to let her fantasy dance through her mind. It made it more fun to listen to her anyways.

Lillian knew she was making things up, but as she noticed Zach would eat it up anyways— she kept on going until they had to freshen up.

In the background, Jack and Gabbie had laughed at her imagination and soon decided they would post the picture Lilly had made of them. It was a pretty memory of the day.

Huffing, Kay watched her boyfriend and friend almost cuddled up and she felt angry. She didn't know why, but she couldn't understand how the only thing she and Zach could do was fight nowadays. But she knew how to take the tension of them. She had to break up with him. Though, the idea made her feel nauseous. With long steps, she hovered above the sink and splattered the water in her face. "Come on, Kay. Deep breathes. You have to do it tonight." The girl felt anxious and decided to watch a serie to rush the time, when she eventually felt the pressure in getting ready. Though, was she in the mood to?

"What do you think? A top or a sweater?" Lilly murmured from her bunk bed, wondering to herself what she was getting changed in. She had her towel slung over her shoulder, since everyone had taken turns with showering and she and Kay were last ones to occupy the bathroom. Glancing to her friend, she sighed. Maybe she'll talk to me now? "Kay? What do you think?"

"Mhm?" The blonde turned away from her screen and glanced upon the two items Lilly held up. "I don't care."

Not letting her face fall, Lillian tried again. "You must have an opinion, you always know how to dress."

Rubbing her temples, Kay huffed. She felt the stress of tonight coming down to her. "My opinion is that there are more important things than some stupid sweater."

Sighing, Lillian rolled her eyes. "Something on your mind that's keeping you moody?"

"I am not moody."

Lilly scoffed lightly. "As if. You have been all day."

"So when I don't want to talk to you, I'm moody?" Kay lifted her brows and scoffed louder. "Good friend you are."

"You haven't talked to me all day. Or any of us to that matter. If you are not in the mood, that's fine. But don't throw it out on me, or the rest. We just wanted to have a nice day out."

"It was so nice indeed." Kay scoffed again, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"You know we are all trying, right? But this tension between you and Zach is getting worse and worse and something has to be done about it." Lilly threw her hands in the air. "Everyone is getting sick of walking on eggshells all the time."

"Oh I'm sorry miss Lillian, shall I hurry up with breaking up with my boyfriend so you can take him from me? Am I taking too long?"

Brows lifting with confusion, Lillian looked at her, mouth agape. Where was this coming from? Just a few nights ago, Kay was reassuring her that she wouldn't mind if Lilly found herself falling in love with her ex. And now she was sneering about it in her face.

"What? No, of course not. We have talked about this, you know best when you feel ready. I don't want to push you into doing this."

"So you don't want to get rid of the 'tension'?" Kay glared at her friend, anger and stress flaring through her body. "Mhm?"

"I do but—"

"See! You only think about yourself. You are so selfish, god! You think it's easy for me? To hurt him like this?"

Lillian stared at her in disbelief. "I never said it would be easy, but it's better than what you are doing now!" She felt her eyes turn more irritated by the second, her blood boiling to her cheeks. "And don't dare to call me selfish. I have done nothing but support and help you on this stupid trip. You are the reason why I am here for fucks sake, because you didn't want to be alone with Zach and the other couples! I spend weeks here, as a seventh wheel, just so you had someone to talk to! Did you think this is how I planned my summer to be? To be stuck in all these secrets while I can see my friend hurting?"

Not knowing what to say or think, Kay felt so in her emotions that she only felt her feelings were true. Only she didn't know how she felt, or why.

"I have been your friend this entire time. And I never said I was going to take Zach away from you. You suggested that, not me." Lillian shook her head and took her items, marching her way to bathroom. "You are just hurting yourself, him and everyone else by acting this way. Don't ruin these friendships, Kay, because I am getting sick of being there when you need it and getting all this shit thrown in my face."

With sad eyes, Kay watched her friend walk away, fury in her steps. She felt empty, knowing she was digging a whole she wasn't going to get out of any time soon. She shouldn't have said all those things, but she felt so much stress and pressure. She was anxious of taking the first step in breaking up her long-time relationship, but also longed to be free of all these mixed feelings. Kay rubbed her temples, letting her face fall in her pillow as she sighed deeply. A tear rolled down her face, her cries empty.

"What have I done?"


A little boring and extra, but I wanted
to write something.

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