First Encounters

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Sonic was seen knocked out as he began to descend back down to the planet's surface. He moaned to himself before stopping in shock at a barrier that surrounded him for a few moments. This was all before the barrier disappeared, leaving Sonic confused for a moment before he fell the rest of the way down, Chaos Emeralds and all.

He faceplanted into the ground, the Emeralds still surrounding him and in black of color. It took some effort, but Sonic was able to pull himself out of the hole he was stuck in. "That was weird. I mean really, what the heck is going on?" Sonic asked himself as he shook himself and rubbed his head. He looked around for a bit all before he spotted something passed out in front of him. It looked like....a mini fairy lizard? Sonic was lost, but he walked over to it and picked it up by its tail.

"Hey. Are you ok?" Sonic asked the lizard fairy. It moaned something under its breath, but Sonic then said, "Hey. Pull yourself together!" as he shook the creature by its tail. This caused it to wake up fully and gasp at the sight of Sonic. "Just...what are you?" Sonic told the thing. In a defensive way, the lizard fairy kicked Sonic in the face, causing him to wince a bit as the thing hid behind a rock. "D-Don't eat me! I taste terrible!" It exclaimed in fright.

Sonic was confused at first, but then asked it, "Are you ok? Nothing broken?" The lizard fairly realized that Sonic wasn't a threat, so it flew up to him from its hiding spot. "Oh. I'm just fine. Thanks for asking, Mister Monster Guy!" it exclaimed with a smile. "Mister...Monster Guy?" Sonic asked in confusion as he looked around. This was when he looked at his new state and saw the feathers on his wrists. "Huh. These are new. Looks like things have gotten pretty ugly," he then said to himself as he looked at his new form. He remembered hearing the voice of Light Gaia back up in space and that it said that the new form would aid Sonic on this adventure.

"Yeah! Look at those claws and feathers!" the fairy exclaimed as it flew around Sonic. "What's your name anyways?" Sonic smiled and introduced himself, soon asking the thing he met what its name was. It hesitated for a bit, but then began to panic over realizing that it couldn't remember its own name. "What? You forgot who you are?" Sonic said in surprise as the lizard nodded. "Yup. I remember something falling from the sky...and everything just going all white...and then, nothing! I can't remember a thing past that!" the fairy explained with a dramatic reenactment.

Sonic began to worry that he might of accidently fell on the fairy from his decent down, but remembered about the weird barrier that saved him, as well as hearing Light Gaia's voice back up in space. It was like he could almost feel the god watching over him. Starting to panic, the lizard wondered what it was going to do and where to head to next, all before it moaned after hearing its stomach growl. Sonic caught it in one hand. "Hey, don't worry! I'll help you get your memory back," he replied with a smile.

This made the fairy's eyes light up as it replied, "Really? You mean it?" It flew next to Sonic as he began to explain about heading into the next town over to start asking people about it and hoping to find someone that might recognize and know the fairy. Eyes lighting up again, the fairy then exclaimed, "Oh, thank you! You're the best, Mister Monster Guy-- I mean, Sonic the Hedgehog!" Sonic couldn't help but laugh at the little guy's quick cutoff. The two high fived in advance as both turned to see the sun rising. In a flash of bright light, Sonic gasped in shock as his body shifted back to its normal, blue self.

"What in the-" Sonic said in shock as he looked at himself, now in a normal state. He looked all over his body, the fairy gasping in surprise and awe. "I don't know how you did it, but that was amazing!" it exclaimed. Sonic looked back at the fairy and saw that it was still the same after looking at himself over for a few more times. It happened to remind him of the dark, stary skies and of the monster he saw when the world broke apart. This gave Sonic the perfect idea for a name for his new friend. "Say Midnight, how about we head into town and start finding anyone who might know you?" he asked the fairy as he began to head off to the town in the distance.

At first, the fairy was confused. "Midnight?" it asked Sonic. "Gotta call you something, don't I? Whaddya think?" Sonic asked his newly named friend as he span back around. The fairy gasped happily after thinking it over for a moment. "Midnight? Midnight! Yeah! I love it! It's perfect!" he then exclaimed, making Sonic laugh. He was happy that his new friend loved his new name. "You ready to get going?" the hedgehog asked Midnight. The little lizard fairy nodded, and he and Sonic took off to the town ahead of them known as Apotos.

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