045; the cameron estate

Start from the beginning

"So where have you been all night?" Ward asked, once again staring straightly at his son. "Out" Rafe answered shortly. He wondered why it mattered that he hadn't been home one night when Sarah was hardly ever home these days. His dad hadn't seemed to care about him disappearing for a day or two before. "Out?" Ward asked, leaning back against the desk as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah" Rafe shrugged his shoulders. "Just out? Doing what?" Ward kept on pushing, the tone of his voice monotone. "I was with some friends, it's not a big deal" Rafe argued, his lie slipping off of his tongue so smoothly. This wasn't the first time he had lied to his father, a small white lie. It was for the best. "You were out with some friends" Ward repeated, letting the word roll on his tongue, slowly simmering, as he nodded his head. Rafe stood still, watching his father's gaze wander across the room for a moment before it returned to him. "Were huh Rafe?" Ward then questioned again, "really?"

"Yes" Rafe answered, dragging his hands through his blonde hair. "See I don't believe you son" Ward spoke a little louder, burrowing his hash gaze right onto his oldest child, "I know a thing or two, I might not be nineteen years old but believe me, I was once". Rafe pushed his lips together, growing impatient. "What's that supposed to mean?" he snapped back at his dad. "I know about the parties out here on figure eight, you've been seen at quite a lot of them" Ward went on, "you're not twenty one Rafe, you're not allowed to drink"

"I'm not out drinking dad" Rafe spoke, his voice coming off as loud and defensive. "No? So the money didn't go to alcohol then? Alcohol you shouldn't be having" Ward argued. Rafe took a step back, chuckling to himself as a wave of frustration washed over him. "You think I stole the money from you?" he snapped. "It wouldn't surprise me" Ward confessed, now standing up. "That's great dad, wow thanks, that's fucking insane" Rafe growled, the frustration now turning into anger. "Hey, watch your mouth" Ward snarled, pointing his index finger towards his son. "You're accusing me of stealing money from you and I'm the bad guy for swearing once?" Rafe questioned, throwing his hands up into the air, "this is unbelievable, you always do this to me, what if Sarah stole it? I bet you she did, you know she's with that loser pouge John B now right? He's dirt poor, she probably gave it to him"

"Sarah wouldn't do that"

Of course he would say that, Rafe thought. He wasn't surprised by his dad's answer. "Yeah cause she's perfect right? Sarah can't do anything wrong, never, right?" Rafe yelled, his patience now fully running out. "This isn't about Sarah" Ward yelled back, taking a step towards his son. "Of course it isn't, it's never about her" Rafe yelled again. "Stop it Rafe" Ward warned with a loud tone. "I didn't take your money dad, John B probably took it, as I said he's dirt poor" Rafe urged once more. "John B had been an exemplary house guest" Ward tried to assure Rafe, but he wasn't having any of it. "He's been an exemplary house guest? Huh, alright, so that makes you choose him over your own son?" Rafe managed to push out through a angry laugh. "I'm not choosing him before you Rafe" Ward spoke, now lowering his voice a little. Rafe sighed, "sure seems like it to me"

"I can't trust you Rafe"

Ward's words made Rafe's heart ache a little, like he had just been stabbed right through it. "Wow" he muttered so lowly that he wasn't sure that his dad even heard it. Ward took a step towards his son, repeating himself, "I can't trust you Rafe, that's the problem here". Rafe balled his fists up, almost exploding with anger. Hearing that was heavier than anything he's heard in a while. "So I'm gonna ask you again and you will tell me the truth now... where have you been all night?" Ward went on. "I was out with my friends" Rafe answered, once more sticking to his lie. Ward sighed before he repeated himself, "where have you been all night Rafe?". Ward demanded the truth from his son, nothing less than that, but Rafe was stubborn as ever. Him and Myra was supposed to stay a secret, he was determined about that. "I already told you, I was out with my friends" Rafe spoke lowly. "The truth Rafe" Ward raised his voice, stomping towards his son, "give me the goddamned truth"

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