Chapter 1

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Oliver slowly opened his eyes to see he was still sitting on the couch. He must've been really tired to even bother heading back to his room to sleep. His eyes averted to the other side of the couch where Damien usually sits.

He wasn't there.

A sound coming from the kitchen caught Oliver's attention, making him get up to take a look. Nothing seemed too out of place as all their plates and utensils had been packed up already. So where the hell did that noise come from? He opened the cupboards, nothing. The fridge, nothing. Odd.

He really didn't want to worry too much about it as it could've been just some sort of rodent, they were a common occurrence in the apartment before. That's when he heard a door close and saw Damien with a towel over his hair.

"Oh hey, I decided to freshen up before we head out on the road. It's gonna be a long drive.."

Oliver scratched the back of his neck, already forgetting what happened in the kitchen. "No worries, I guess we should be heading off already so we can have time to unpack there.."

The two got ready for the drive by getting dressed and doing final check ups to see if they had everything. Once they were good to go, they headed off.

The drive would last for a while as the house was located farther from where they already were. This gave them time to have a few chats with one another and listen to music.

"So, how did you get this house again? I know your parents were involved, but like, you never told me why they never gave it to you sooner."

"It had to do with something with my other relatives. They didn't want me to live there by myself, especially with the rumors that went around about the neighborhood a couple of years back."

Damien looked at Oliver, "What happened?"

Oliver chuckled, "You didn't hear about those rumors that went around during the year 2001? About how some two guys went missing without a trace, and both families were outraged on how the authorities did nothing."

"Now that you mention the year, it sort of rings a bell," Damien tapped his chin, "but what does that have to do with the house?"

"Well the family was from the same neighborhood as the house. A lot of people suspected the woods behind it was how the two guys went missing. My aunts told me that they knew the families personally as they would always do gatherings during the holidays. Now it seems the neighborhood is pretty..vacant after all that's happened.."

Damien looked out the window and thought to himself, he has heard of that story before but really never thought it was true. Was that the reason so many people go missing within the town? He shuffled around in his seat uncomfortably as it started to get cold in the car, then that's when he realized.

"Oh fuck!! I think I left my jacket in the apartment.."

"Really? I could've sworn you threw it in the back.."

Damien sighed, "I don't think it too late for us to turn back?"

"Dude, it's just a jacket, we can go shopping for a new one tomorrow if you'd like. I wanted to check out the shops they have in this town anyway. Also we've been on the road for almost two hours, there's no way imma waste gas."

"It's not just a jacket..", Damien mumbled as he slouched in his seat, "you know why I care about it so much.."

Oliver took a glance at Damien and sighed, "How about this, I'll take a stop at the gas station, you check the bags in the back, and if it's not there we'll figure something out. There's nothing to worry about, okay?"

Madeleine Phantasms; REVIVEDWhere stories live. Discover now