Prologue Act 1-2: Knights of Favonious

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"Though, it shouldn't be a surprise that our bunny knight would react like this." Kaeya said, "Someone with 7 elements is something that we have never heard of before."

"Indeed, it could definitely lead to some... unwanted attention from the Fatui themselves." Diluc said, remembering the encounters that he had with Fatui before. There was a mysterious organization that only followed their Arcon's orders.

"Yes. I was born with 7 elements." Boboiboy answered and he didn't want her to know that he's from another world.

But for Amber, she was even more shocked, she never heard someone who was born with 7 elements in this world. She snapped out of shock and said, "W-Well, As for you, Lumine. You surprised me a little with your move there... And thanks for the backup, you two. How'd it feel?"

"Those things are tougher than they look." Lumine answered

"Yeah, I'm feeling great for helping out rather than standing on the sidelines." Boboiboy added.

"Now that you mention it, how are the Hilichurls ended up here?" Paimon asked in curiosity and held her chin. "These creatures don't seem like the type to set up camp so close to cities like this."

"Yes, it is weird." Eula said, agreeing with what Paimon on the screen said. "There were reports of Hilichurls nearby setting up camps close to the cities, but we've never expected them to be this close."

The Knights of Favonius agree with her, as this was a mystery for Hilichruls to behave this way.

"Exactly, it's more normal for them to be much further out in the wilderness." Amber said

"Is it because the dragon caused this?" Boboiboy asked her with curiosity, as his eyes have silver pupils now.

Kuki starts to notice that Boboiboy's eyes change again. "Boss, his eyes change back to silver again." Itto took a closer look and noticed the change too.

"You're right!! Do you think it's one of the elements inside of him?" Itto whispers as he doesn't want to make too much noise.

"Possibly." Kuki answers, though she has some more thoughts on this. 'But why would his eyes be silver? There shouldn't be any elements that have this color.' It starts to be suspicious by how many elements that Boboiboy was born with. Did he lie about it? Or did he tell the truth, but with the answer to be completely different?

"Yes. That's maybe true. The dragon, Stormterror, has been around a lot more recently, our orchards have been destroyed and the local market has been affected as well." Amber explained.

"When the storms hit, we usually end up with at least a few injuries, so the Knight of Favonius have been tied up doing the best they can to defend the area." Amber continued.

Venti didn't like how Dvalin acted like he is today, he thought that he was flying around Monstadt to get a taste of freedom. But hearing that he's causing injuries wasn't the Dvalin he always knew a while back, 'Dvalin, what happened to you?'

The two people were suspicious of Venti's reaction. They know that he's friends with Stormterror, but his actual identity is a mystery that no one could know. They didn't push him as the recording continued.

"So these creatures have been getting closer to the city?" Lumine asked.

"Exactly. That said, clearing this camp helped make the area a little bit safer." She then follows it up with a thought in her mind, "Come with me! A responsible knight must make sure to see you to the city safely" Amber told them and they nodded.

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