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It had been months since their parents had been sent out to war. Btools decided to check on their brother, only to be met with a gruesome sight. Scripter RIPPED OUT HIS HORNS, well; more like he broke them off. The bases of his orange horns remained. Blood trickled down the sides of his head and onto the floor; Btools was desperately trying to help him or try to comfort him or something, but Scripter only dismissed them. Btools was thinking he went insane. That was a week ago, but it feel like more than a year.

They went into their own room, flopping down onto the bed and burying their face into a pillow.
They snapped out of their thoughts when they heard the door knob turning.

"Shouldn't suffocate yourself, Btools."
Their brother spoke in a soft tone, sitting down on the edge of their bed. Btools didn't respond, only burying their face into their pillow more. Scripter started poking at the pillow.

"Are you okay?"

"Don't talk to me."
Btools snapped at him, throwing the blankets over their head.

"Psshh, so much for trying to comfort you.."
He mumbled, walking out. Btools was nodding off now that everything was completely silent, until the doorbell rung. They stood up and went to awnser it, however Scripter was already there, chatting with the person behind the door. Scripter had sorta bandaged dark purple antlers to the bases of his orange horns; he's probably waiting for the base to grow around the antlers and hold them in place.

"For the last time, we aren't going to train to be in the war."
Seems he already ended the conversation, slamming the door and locking it.
"It was another guy asking us to fight in the Playgrounder-Blackrockian war. Apparently they lost a ton of firepower."

"Oh, great. Love those guys."
Btools replied sarcastically, now walking back to their room.

"Why are you avoiding me?"
Scripter asked, taking a few strides to catch up to them.

"I'm trying to sleep."
Btools mumbled, closing their door on him.

Scripter sighed, brushing a non-existent finger (again, they're r6 blocky demons or whatever) over his brand new antlers and walking to his room, turning on the TV, there was a loud noise outside, then their entire house shook, then the lights turned off. Last time this happened, they were on the train.

Btools sighed, grabbing their flashlight and then putting their coat on by the entrance. They walked out, turning their flashlight off because it was somewhat light out still, there was a column of black smoke rising in the distance, they started running over there. Of course, who wouldn't want to run over to the menacing smoke in the distance? Scripter walked out when Btools already started running, trying to catch up to them. Btools slipped on some melting snow, Scripter managed to catch them just in time before they hit their forehead on the concrete below them. The two continued onward, walking this time. They found a truck full of explosives had not very surprisingly, exploded. A few soldiers had been in the back when this happened, and had been obliterated. There were people cluttering the scenes, Btools pushed through, finding out their parents had been included in the people who've been obliterated, there was a bit of one of their horns in the wreckage with a bit of their skin attached to it. They weren't certain yet, it could've been another soldier with the same color horn.

Scripter was looming over Btools' shoulder, looking at what they were holding. Btools was tearing up already. Scripter was distraught, taking it out of their hands and examining it himself.

He mumbled, now realizing that it was indeed a piece one of their parents' horns; recognizable by the golden ring stuck to it and the . It was scorched, but the color and shape of it was visible somewhat if you rubbed off the scorched bit. He also started tearing up, wrapping his arms around Btools and squeezing them. Btools wrapped their arms around him in return, the tears started freezing on their face, Scripter wiped away the tears on Btools' face and his own; now walking home with them. They both were freezing, and huddled up together for warmth.

i remastered it :3

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