The Last Philosopher

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I didn't get the reason why you have chosen this title until I read the blurb. You spoke of two extreme philosophies, I get that's the reason for this title. But why not choose a title that actually fits the story or give a reader a clear idea of its depth? However if you see that your book title is perfect the way it is, then good and fine.

Author: NickfEast


The cover is too simple. We can't really identify ourselves to the story following it. I would advise you to look for one that actually represent your story more. Don't forget we are on Wattpad and readers do actually judge a book by its cover and title, so the purpose of having an eye coaching one and a badass title.


The blurb is well written, but it doesn't really show us the whereabouts of the story. Yes the old sorcerer is making nightmares, Herschel fills like escaping the prison filled with weird men, but you don't give us any detail of the dept of the story. Will there be war? Love? Death? How is the nightmares of the sorcerer having an impact in the story? And if Herschel does escape his prison, how will it influences the plot? The planet? Don't forget the blurb to us readers is a summary of what the story will contain. If it's content isn't clear enough to us, we will definitely not want to read it.


There is nothing much to say in my opinion about the way you write. Grammar, vocabulary, tenses, writing styles are very good. Also, the way you describe things is sure real. Knowing that you're speaking of an inexistent world, you were totally able to five me into the little planet huom. Also the graphics and maps you did include is also very helpful to us readers. In the first chapter we have a general introduction of the planet, it's demigods which is very helpful. Though I read only 3 chapters, I found it really interesting. I aren't the fantasy kind of reader, but I was greatful for bringing me to this world.

 I aren't the fantasy kind of reader, but I was greatful for bringing me to this world

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