01 ; Käthe Baasch is a stalker (sometimes)

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Käthe would be lying if she said she wasn't hungry, even though the school's food is horrendous, even to the most desperate of students. The lunch lady offers her some chicken. She denies the offer, knowing the poor cooks didn't have time to finish the food, leaving the inside of the meat almost pink. Walking away from the line, she notices that one of those boys is being quite disruptive, laughing loudly and pushing his friends aggressively. She ignored it, though. She scurried through the crowd of hungry students, searching the sea of faces for just one.

Her friend, Emmie, awaits her at the wall just outside the lunchroom, knowing they both have to help one of their teachers organize her new book collection in the classroom. They walk quickly through the large, tall hallways to the advanced English class, hoping to have at least a bit of time to eat the subpar food the entire school had been served while the two wait.

As they reach the room, Käthe struggles to hold onto the flimsy tray any longer, nearly dropping the food all over the freshly carpeted floor that the custodians worked so hard to clean in the first place. In her embarrassment, She turns to Emmie with a scowl, "I swear to God, if I ever drop this food, I'm literally gonna explode." Käthe quickly recovered from her near accident, resuming the now short walk to the end of the hall. Though the hallway is almost empty, the few students who go to other rooms to eat still roam. One in particular catches Käthes eye. A boy. Though his hair is curly, it's too dark of a blond, so it couldn't possibly be him.

With Käthe shaking her head, the girls finally reached the room, they sat at their usual desks, the two closest to the teacher's table at the front of the class. The girls chat about meaningless things, such as the possibility of finding another planet that has the potential to support multicellular organisms. Or the low chance of aliens finding humans because of the light years between planets that makes it so that they're all at different times or versions of the solar system. No, I'm joking. Mostly. The two girls talk about their crushes, the boys they stalk in the little free time they have. Emmie and Käthe had many extracurricular activities after school, such as ballet, tennis, D&D, woodworking and acting, especially together. They enjoyed the activities, but it's quite difficult to balance everything while keeping a social life and a will to live.

After a few minutes, their teacher finally comes in. She looks at Käthe and Emmie as if she's surprised they showed up for such a strenuous task she assigned, since neither of them are known for following the rules. Both girls are scared of everything, but Emmie is still far more rebellious than Käthe could ever be. Of course, Käthe still skips classes. It's normal for kids their age. She tries to defend it by saying that going to those classes makes her anxiety worse, and it's true, but it doesn't work as a very good excuse when she does it every day. Ms. Mosley then gave the two of them a stack of seven books for us to put on her shelves in alphabetical order quickly, so that we can start on the next stack as soon as we're done. We leave our unfinished lunches on our desks, carrying the stacks of books to the brand-new shelves that the books are meant for.

Throughout the entire twenty-minute period that is lunch, she was thinking about him. The boy she likes. No, her boyfriend. (He has no idea who she is) Käthe wished it was easier to meet him. She shook her head, trying to focus on the task at hand when she realized the bell was about to ring, signaling the end of lunch. She turns to Emmie hurriedly, making sure she's ready to head to our class once more,

"Babe, do you have your stuff?" Käthe asked her, even after she saw how she's carrying her binder, checking that she hadn't forgotten anything. Once she checked that she got everything, they both waved goodbye to the teacher and looked for an opening in traffic in the hallway outside, thinking of her dearest "boyfriend."

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